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  1. d4rksid3

    Plant leafs stickin straight up

    I had the same thing happen on my last grow just after i put them on flower 12/12.they went back to normal after a few days & i just cropped 4 healthy nothing to worry about i dont think. cant tell you why it happens tho,stretching for light would be my best guess.
  2. d4rksid3

    Bottom of stems rotting

    Yeah i thought it could be that.but i used cardboard before with no probs.i've removed them now anyway,just hope the problem doesn't continue & eat right through my stems !!!
  3. d4rksid3

    Bottom of stems rotting

    Hi all Just found this on three of my four plants,the first pic is the normal looking one. the plants are 3 weeks old tomorrow. any ideas whats caused it?
  4. d4rksid3

    Male,Female or Hermaphrodite

    A standard high pressure sodium 600w.
  5. d4rksid3

    Male,Female or Hermaphrodite

    Just a quick update..Dried & weighed i got 17oz from two 4 foot sweet tooth's & i can confirm there all woman lol bongsmilie oh & thanks for the rep Mr Parker :blsmoke:
  6. d4rksid3

    Male,Female or Hermaphrodite

    Great news...i was really worried there for a while. thanks guys just hope they waste as good as they smell mmmmm :bigjoint: Heres a group photo
  7. d4rksid3

    Male,Female or Hermaphrodite

    Yeah sry should explained..there appears to be seeds starting to grow mostly on the lower buds those pics dont really show them heres a better one
  8. d4rksid3

    Male,Female or Hermaphrodite

    Hi Just cropped whats suppose to be a female sweet tooth but it looks weird,especially the lower smaller buds at the bottom of the plant. any thoughts?
  9. d4rksid3

    One foot tall plant???

    No not yet bob.Got 4 cuttings coming at the weekend though :)
  10. d4rksid3

    One foot tall plant???

    Hey folks heres a pic of the finished article it ended up being a foot & a half tall,never did find out why it was such a shorty but its got some super sticky buds on it so im happy :mrgreen: Peace.
  11. d4rksid3

    One foot tall plant???

    Ok thank for the info hairy bob ill have a look at the GROWFAQ @ Sears&Roebuck it's in a hydro deck not a pot. ill post a pic when it's ready to chop & let y'all know how it went.
  12. d4rksid3

    One foot tall plant???

    Hi all My 2 week old cutting seems to have stopped growing it's only a foot tall & seems to be flowering already??? its been on 12/12 under a 600w light using the feeds pictured,1st week 30 ml bloom,2nd week 40 ml bloom 10 ml boost.i gave it 5ml of some liquid oxygen stuff my pal gave me about...