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  1. ChrisStomata

    Attitude order confiscated in Chicago, but did not include a letter, only a note

    LA has seized my orders this month. I'm not ordering through Attitude anymore. They have a target on their back and we are the ones suffering.
  2. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    Week 7 Update Love what is going on under these lights!
  3. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    Week 6 Update On week 6 flower and everything is great! I had a little issue with humidity and it caused some of the leaf tips to dry up in the intense lighting but it's nothing to worry about this late in flower: Trichomes look amazing and they are really starting to bulk up. It's...
  4. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    Week 5 Update: These lights are truly surpassing my expectations. These girls are truly packing it on. I have never seen trichome production like this before:
  5. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    Here are some week 4 bud shots:
  6. ChrisStomata

    Led Users Unite!

    Glad I found this journal. I have been growing with LED lights for a number of years and have tried most manufacturers. I have given reviews on all I have grown with in the following thread: LED's are the way to...
  7. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    Update Week 4 Flower: I'll post some bud shots a little later...
  8. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    I did not see the growth rates that I usually see with my other LED grows. The buds were not as tight as I have seen and the plants did not react well. I think it is something with their spectrum configuration. My experience is off of their small model. Don't know if the larger models are...
  9. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    Just wanted to follow up on this posting. I took these clones on week 3 flower. They had buds starting to form and a couple had trichomes on the flower. It has been 9 days from when I cut them and here are the results: They even look healthier from when I took them which may be from the...
  10. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    I saw very week growth, buds where not well developed and, lanky. It was apparent the plants were light starved. I put in my grow hydro and they bounced right back. Even Gotham hydroponics states that the are a supplemental light and should be used in conjunction with a main lighting source.
  11. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    Week 3 Update: I know I said in an earlier post that I will probably move onto to a different LED manufacturer when I am done with this one - yaaahhh, I probably won't. This light setup has far exceeded me expectations. The bud structures forming and the trichome production that I have on...
  12. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    If it says it's 1200 LED watts it is only a 600w light (if that). That light is not powerful enough for a 5x5 tent. Also I would be hesitant with that light selection. It is going to cost you over 2K to light a 5x5 tent. Don't sacrifice quality for $$. If you don't have the scratch to do it...
  13. ChrisStomata

    Best LED's for 2013

    Great thread! I have been growing with LED for years and have used almost every manufacturer from HydroGrowLED (there are better options out there), Lighthouse Hydro, Lumigrow, Black Dog, and ProSource. Check out my current journal for specific manufacturer reviews...
  14. ChrisStomata

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Awesome thread! I have grown with a number of high-end LED manufactures and have posted several reviews on a journal I am currently running:
  15. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    I was cleaning underneath my canopy, cutting all the branches that are not receiving much light to focus the plants energy on other bud sites, and decided to give re-vegging clones from flower a try. Anyone with experience with this please reply.
  16. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    I love how the leaves are standing at a 45 degree angle almost like they are praising the lights.
  17. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    Week 2: Just finishing up week 2 with incredible results. The plants just love these lights. They are filling up the tent and are in full stretch mode. Though they are in stretch, I am seeing really tight internodes (more so than I have ever seen before growing this strain). I am also...
  18. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    LED Grow Light Reviews: As previously discussed I have grown with a number of LED manufacturers. The following is my personal review of those lights: Blackstar Lighthouse Hydro: I currently grow with their High Output Veg lights and love them. I have several of the...
  19. ChrisStomata

    Black Dog LED True 960W Organic Super Lemon Haze 4'x4' Grow

    Week 1 Flower: Just finished week 1 in flower. It looks like the plants really love their new lights. This is actually my second attempt to start a grow with these lights. When I grew with HID there was a hardening-off period when I first introduced the plants to the 1000W lamp. I...