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  1. zeroninja84

    Is it safe to take DXM while on a SNRI?

    Im on Pristiq 76mg (a new drug on the market designed for low side effects). Would it be safe to take dxm?
  2. zeroninja84

    honey oil question heres one of the videos of him smoking it. Has anyone else tried this and have input as to whether its better to leave it as honey or not. And i think mr.kush had it right in the fact that because thc isnt soluble in water it is a...
  3. zeroninja84

    honey oil question

    ya that is exactly what i was talking about. Also does anyone know anything about this... seems like you would lose some of the thc doing this, but aparently not and this would make it easy to store and use than honey and if you...
  4. zeroninja84

    How Long Has everyone been growin for and why?

    I hear you on that. Anyway I have been growing since October 5. I grow because I always wanted to. Although I will say the more i grow the more i think about how i want to be able to expand to be able to say i did that, not for the money, hell i only sold weed once, in college, to you. jk i...
  5. zeroninja84

    honey oil question

    Alright i saw this video where a guy was making honey oil, but the glass cooking pan he used to catch the honey in had water in it to make it easier to collect as the honey floated on the water and he didn't have to scrape it off. I have only seen one guy do this and was wondering if he had a...
  6. zeroninja84

    Any good strains for anti-anxiety

    Nice man thanx!
  7. zeroninja84

    Any good strains for anti-anxiety

    can you just harvest a sativa dominate plant a lil later cuz thats what i got growing and about to be harvested and my stress and anxiety is getting really really bad (i literally just beat the shit out of my doorframe until my hands where numb and/or tingling). Funny thing is i found this...
  8. zeroninja84

    Temporary smell cover up

    Thanks jonus, u know if walmart sells the dispencers, or somewhere i can get it cheap Im a lil strapped for cash right now seeing as how black friday is comeing up n im bout to spend more than i can really afford on frineds n family.
  9. zeroninja84

    Temporary smell cover up

    oh yeah, it just that i went a lil half assed on my carbon filters to make my box discreet. However my aunt (who is staying at my place w/ her husband n little kids) is an x-hippie, im pretty sure my dad used to smoke weed, and my mom, didn't smoke but, had a room mate in college that smoked in...
  10. zeroninja84

    Temporary smell cover up

    allright I got family coming over for thanksgiving, and I need to have something to cover up the smell for a day maybe 2. I have incense, candles, matches, renuzit (pop up air fresheners from walmart), lysol (more of a cleaner but when in a pinch), and febreeze. but what can I use that will...
  11. zeroninja84

    Too much light? Noise?

    Well for the noise issue, u can put the ballast in something. Mine is in an old metal ammo box and that works really well. also it would help to have some other ambient noises like a fan powered air purifier, not like the ionic breezes cuz they're quiet.
  12. zeroninja84

    Anyone heard of

    one thing I would like to point out is that a couple of you guys mentioned using lowryder in the pc, but from what Ive read lowryder was bread to be a short plant so that it could be easily concealed or just be small under normal growing conditions, so when you grow it 12/12 from start to finish...
  13. zeroninja84

    Anyone heard of

    I just built my own, but if you are gonna get one, get it as big as u can. What type of lighting do they have, Im using 70watt hps on 12/12 only, and grow in soil (as there really isnt enough room for hydro). seems to work very well, the only problems Ive noticed are user errors as i am on my...
  14. zeroninja84

    temporary hiding place

    thanks man i thought it might be good, but just kinda freaked out cuz of da reason I had to hide it just got dumped on me without warning.
  15. zeroninja84

    temporary hiding place

    Allright I need to hide my plant for a couple hours during its dark cycle in someplace other than its usual pc case. I figured if I emptied out my mini-fridge and unplugged it n let it get to room temp, i could put my plant in there with a bottle of yeast for co2. would this be ok even if there...
  16. zeroninja84

    little white soil bugs

    make a 50 50 solution of water and isopropyl alcohol n spray em, if the jump then then they are springtails, ive got them too, n it would seem that they are actually a good thing to have. Ive got em too n the only time i ever saw them jump was when i was spraying them wit the solution which...
  17. zeroninja84

    Springtails; Friend of Foe?

    Thanks brotha, ya that is what I thought but I wasnt entirely sure then all of a sudden their population size exploded so I got a lil worried.
  18. zeroninja84

    Springtails; Friend of Foe?

    Ive noticed I have a springtail infestation. For those who dont know they are tingy little bugs the size of mites or so but are their own species and are not mites nor insects. Ive heard that they can damage agricultural crops but I have not found ANY at all on my plants so they seem to be...
  19. zeroninja84

    Where to Purchase Salvia

    The place where i bought it from (iamshaman) doesnt sell salvia anymore, but I would definatley recomend getting anything from them, they still sell Amanita Muscaria if you are into that.
  20. zeroninja84

    Dartura/ Jimson Weed

    Careful with that stuff, if you take too much you can end up tripping balls so hard you'll be in and out of black outs for three days. Also most people I have heard of didnt really like it but thats not to say that you wont if you do it properly. I havent done it yet, but I bought some seeds...