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  1. plexxx


    i have got 2 goin now, 1 is topped and 1 isnt. they are still very small just at begining of week 3 flowering. really lookin foreward to bunning some berry :D
  2. plexxx

    GreenHouse Seeds

    i got the g13 ww growin at the moment. germinated fine and is looking healthy. topped very easy but not very nute tolerant
  3. plexxx

    Just got Big Bang, Great White Shark, Himalaya Gold and Green Spirit.

    bigbang grows easy but not very nute tolerant. but id top them cause they dont yield as much as one would expect i found
  4. plexxx

    Stawberry blue?

    just ordered the strawberry blue and the afghan kush along with some himalayan gold white rhino and widdow. not sure whether im gonna start with the blue though
  5. plexxx

    White Berry 19 Days Flowering, Am I on track?

    i currently have 2 wb aswell. i let them veg a bit longer than u under a 400watter. i topped one of them cause i know they are main cola dominant. looks fine though!!!
  6. plexxx

    NYCD 97 days

    respect 1111!!!!!
  7. plexxx

    ghs bigbang

    *bump* gimme advice u potheads!
  8. plexxx

    hash prices! plz help

    25 euro 3 gs, just like green. the closer to spain/marocco the cheaper
  9. plexxx

    Are we drying this correctly?

    3 days seems a bit short to me. im not the most experienced grower, but i did something similar and thought the bud was dried fine until about 2 weeks late budrot came from the inside of bigger buds and i had to quickdry about an ounce to get rid of the bud. it was still very smokable but didnt...
  10. plexxx

    ghs bigbang

    my bitches are late in week 8 now i think and i am wondering whether i should atleast take the topbuds down now. the one with the retarded half cut off leaves suffered some severe nuteburn.
  11. plexxx

    ghs bigbang

    ill upload some more pics tomorrow morning, many leaves are rapidly yellowing but i really dont want to take them down early because i want to make the best of them. I switched from 250watt mh to 400watt hps today so im hoping that will increase nug density a bit. i also changed the light cycle...
  12. plexxx

    ghs bigbang

    i strongly disagree, but ill post the results in this thread, will cut top buds in 1 week, harvest will be done in 2 weeks, so maybe ill have final dried weight in 3 weeks
  13. plexxx


    jo imma try and just throw all my stems in a pot and boil that shit. will it work?
  14. plexxx

    Best Bud/Plant Shot Contest

    greenhouse big bang vote fo meh1
  15. plexxx

    ghs bigbang

    would you say that the density increases a lot in the last few weeks? because the buds are big but some arent very dense..
  16. plexxx

    ghs bigbang

    thats inpressive bad dog. i highly doubt ill harvest that much, but the slow harvesting sounds like a good idea and i will probably do that aswell. i am only growing under a 250 watt mh with 2 more 20watt cfls with my smaller plants. Do u think i should start feeding them again with a 25%...
  17. plexxx

    Best Bud/Plant Shot Contest

    this contest is a great idea, if i was RIU i would institutionalize this into a monthly thing. I can imagine this thread will get a lot of attention. Id love to post picks but my shit is in veg :( great pics though everyone
  18. plexxx

    ghs bigbang

    wuddup? these are greenhouse bigbangs somewhere around week 6, possibly 5. according to ghs they finish 7-8 weeks and im not really looking for couchlock. any estimates as to how much longer? im not sure whether the yellowing leaves are nute defficiencies, since i stopped feeding them cause the...
  19. plexxx

    Green House Trainwreck Fem.

    i finished my tw bout 2 months ago, great smoke, a bit chemical. But peng-a-leng shit. not high yielder but finishes fast
  20. plexxx

    16/8 last two weeks

    how about just the last week? ive heard people say that had benefits, or maybe changing the cycle from 12 12 to 14 10 or so???