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  1. L

    please help think spider mite

    well i have spent alot of time cleaning the leafs with water and spraying my plant with mist and they already look so much better how far till one go till you think i should harvest hair only about 25percent brown thankyou
  2. L

    please help think spider mite

    Thank you for the replays are they the same as scotch bonnets
  3. L

    please help think spider mite

    yes it is my only plant
  4. L

    please help think spider mite

    can not see any webs when i wipe the leaf with my finger brown like dust is on my finger
  5. L

    please help think spider mite

    under the leaf of my plant
  6. L

    please help think spider mite

    so do i try and harvest now or has it had it thank you
  7. L

    please help think spider mite

    well im into week 8 of my grow which i am doing for my hubby but i think we have spider mite under the leaf are little brown things is there anything i can do thank you
  8. L

    hello this is my first try at a grow

    thank you how much do u usually get from one plant
  9. L

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hello again sorry to be a pain i have found one called vitalink buddy does that sound right regards
  10. L

    The UK Growers Thread!

    prob a dumb question but what shall i buy feed wise regards
  11. L

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hello to be honest its just shop bought soil and filltered water not sure on the light hubby put it in thats all i have been doing regards thank you for reply
  12. L

    hello this is my first try at a grow

    hello im new to this and new to growing my hubby is the smoker and buying it has been driving me crazy so he gave me a seed lol and i planted outside in summer then brought it in at 2ft tall, i did a room out and for 3 weeks been doing 12/12 its now 3ft tall and the pictures are below does this...
  13. L

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hello im new to this and new to growing my hubby is the smoker and buying it has been driving me crazy so he gave me a seed lol and i planted outside in summer then brought it in at 2ft tall, i did a room out and for 3 weeks been doing 12/12 its now 3ft tall and the pictures are below does this...