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  1. lzmiller

    Males with Hairs vs Females with balls

    Great info, which brings up a few ?s in my mind. This is my first indoor grow. So, I have a female dubbed Thelma that did just that, started kicking out balls about the 5th-6th week of flower (my bad for not keeping track better), and only on the bottom 1/4 of the plant, on the smaller...
  2. lzmiller

    Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

    8 ball hubba bubba Kush Bubba Bomb Hubba Bubba Kush Bubba's 8 ball or just Bubba's balls... jk jk what are all of the strain genetics that went into those two, cause then you can take the older names and do a throw back, possibly. I am in the market for some femm'd, cant decide what blend to go...
  3. lzmiller

    Lysol poured on plants.

    "Upon closer inspection of the pics, maybe they were just trying to do you a favor....." I concur with that analysis. I think someone saw them and tried taking them out of their misery. Death by lysol.
  4. lzmiller

    My grow room

    My place wreaks of dank all the time anyway. How bad are we talking here? Next door neighbors smelling it in their kitchen bad? I love it, I have two in flower and they are in a bathroom on the other side of my house - when I wake up as soon as I walk out of my room its like the entire house...