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  1. D

    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    Thought I'd post in here aswell. Plants are around 2 and half months old, have survived being attacked by cats, flooding, severe storms, hail, grasshopper/locust attacks, extreme cold days on end at one point (1-5C), then extreme heat for days on end (35-42C) Kinda proud of my little dudettes...
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    Hydrocodone (Thebaine and Codeine) contains Paracetamol (acetaminophen), which when taken with high dosages in the range of around 5-8 pills at a time play havoc on your stomach and your liver, taken any higher of a dosage will start to make your liver fail, while you may feel sick for acouple...
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    Dr.Chronic......Better cover your ass and get a better server.

    What is the point in cracking into his server? What are you going to do then, change his homepage and erase some files? Pointless, it will take him less then 10 minutes to order a new host, and another 10 minutes to reload a backup and repoint his DNS/Domain settings to his new host. The...
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    any aussie growers out there?

    Also from Australia....but I do note that the original post was made on 05-23-2007....
  5. D

    Freaky Seedling

    It should begin to look a little something like this (Ignore the soil, stormed bad for acouple of days):