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  1. Dyulv

    HELP!cannabis leaves dying...

    good day sir...can u give some mixture ideas for calcium/magnesium fertilizer to use..what would be the right mixture if i'm to use egg shells and epsom salt...thanks.
  2. Dyulv

    HELP!cannabis leaves dying...

    yes its outside but its no vines back there...its just yellow bell.i don't put my plant just in one location..i transfer my plant regularly cause its rainy back here...
  3. Dyulv

    HELP!cannabis leaves dying...

    good day of new leaves shows signs of burns...should i replant it to another soil?because the soil i'm using is rich from chicken shit...or is it ok to just flush it with H2O?thanks
  4. Dyulv

    HELP!cannabis leaves dying...

    thanks to all...
  5. Dyulv

    HELP!cannabis leaves dying...

    ok nute it gonna die?
  6. Dyulv

    HELP!cannabis leaves dying...

    I'm a first time grower, my plant is at its vegetative stage...some leaves are curling then twisting then turning it heat or phosphorus problem? Please Help!!!:-(