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  1. C

    Stealth Grow Box

    i beleive the stealth concept is more to fool family, friends and anyone who may be in ur house whom u dont want knowing ur bussiness, that is providing u are growing with a medical card
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    Stealth Grow Box

    im a newbie as well but im a cabinet maker by trade. im working on develpoing a complete hydro system within a custom nicely finished cabinet that of course will be be sound, light, and odor proof . ill post pics when complete might end up on the market soon
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    Green Crack Clones Socal

    there's some oaksterdam clones going around down in so cal called green cush, and i heard that they're just green crack but renamed because patients were offened that their medicine was named after the drug.
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    whats wrong?

    what's up everybody, this is my second grow and i seem to have a little problem with my plant, and i was wondering if someone could help me out. it just started its second week of flowering and just about three days ago all the fan leaves changed from their healthy green color to a bright...
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    What's the best book? (BUD BIBLE)

    jorge cervantes- marijuana horticulture, the indoor/outdoor medical growers bible
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    I'm Toke

  7. C

    Please help me

    could i still harvest what i have? or is there no point?
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    Please help me

    this is my first grow and everything was going perfect.. im about the beginning of the 4th week of flowering and my leaves just started to spot brown and now there almost all completely gone. i used organic fox farm soil and organic big bloom from fox farm. i used a ph tester and it said the ph...
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    PLEASE HELP ME!!! pics

    im using fox farm ocean forest, distilled water, and fox farm big bloom. oh and i water about every other day
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    PLEASE HELP ME!!! pics

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    PLEASE HELP ME!!! pics

    help me! this is my first grow and everything seemed to be going just fine until a few days ago when i noticed a couple of small brown spots on my plants fan leaves, now theyre almost completely brown and curling up. i thought it might have been a ph problem because the ph was pretty low so...
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    please help!! pics

    somebody please help me! this is my first grow and everything seemed to be going fine until a couple of days ago when i noticed i few little brown spots on my plants fan leaves, now theyre almost all brown and curled up. i thought it might have been a ph problem since the ph was pretty low so...
  13. C

    should i transplant?

    this might be a dumb question but is it bad to transplant during flowering? my plant just entered its third week of flowering and i noticed little roots growing out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. i just don't want to do it and then end up stressing it out and cause a growth stunt.
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    Bugs in the soil

    there are little tiny yellow bugs hopping around in my soil.. what are these? are they normal? and if not how do i get rid of them? :weed:
  15. C

    Help me!

    Someone please help me i dont know whats wrong.. Two of the leaves had like brown spots in the edges and i though well whatever its just two leaves but now its spreading all over the whole plant. What am i doing wrong?