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  1. stash112

    How soon should i remove the males?

    I had 3 plants now .. I just started the flowering process last monday so its been a week on 12/12 and i see some small grren balls on 2 of the plants... and one has hairs.. should i remove the males asap..
  2. stash112

    Is this Normal

    how do i know when its time to repot
  3. stash112

    Is this Normal

    what kind should get for bloom
  4. stash112

    Is this Normal

    Here are my plants at like 3 weeks. i dont know which food source is best so one plant i give schults and the other is miracle grow and the third plant i mix a lil of each.... do i follow the feeding on the box ? or when the plants need it
  5. stash112

    This my first plant

    how many to time to feed the plants
  6. stash112

    This my first plant

    how many times should i feed them twice a day or once i have schultz and miracle grow
  7. stash112

    Best nutrients to use?

    how many time should i feed the plants once a day or twice
  8. stash112

    This my first plant

    do u think he is save-able?
  9. stash112

    This my first plant

    he started to fall over .. do you tink i should take him out.. im going to get pots tomorrow do you know which is better schultz or miracle grow
  10. stash112

    This my first plant

    lol i just got some planet food i have shultz and miracle grow which one is best.. post any comments on one of the plants the tip of the leaf turned yellow what should i do?
  11. stash112

    Best nutrients to use?

    for veg whats better fox farm or botanicare i heard sea weed helps
  12. stash112

    Best nutrients to use?

    i have a question?... i heard that u can use fish oil for the plants but you have to mix it with a water agent like fresh water or dish detergent.. does it work
  13. stash112

    This my first plant

    should i just flush it with water.... i dont even drink the tap water it taste funny i didnt want to give it to the plants like that... i was just mixing some things... this is the first time i ever did this... i need all the help i can get
  14. stash112

    This my first plant

    I started on 8/23/08 and its 8/25/08 and this is how they look... i got them under a 60 watt.. i used organic soil and water that is mixed with Sodium chloride, edetate disodium citrate and hydrochloric acid to balance the ph... am i on the right track? anything i need to add? should i get a...
  15. stash112

    Am I doing this right?

    I just started on 8-23-08 and its only been 2 days i mixed the water with fish oil,sodium chloride, edetate disodium, sodium citrate, hydrochloric acid to balance the ph and purified water and its under60 watts... help!!!! any help how many weeks does veggie state take to get to