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  1. midwest duder

    Can I smoke it? (old frozen mold)

    Thanks fellas, maybe end up makin food or tincture to be safe
  2. midwest duder

    Can I smoke it? (old frozen mold)

    Yeah and people have also died from mold exposure, different kinds out there...
  3. midwest duder

    Can I smoke it? (old frozen mold)

    Yeah I have like an ounce in the freezer that I could really use right about now
  4. midwest duder

    Can I smoke it? (old frozen mold)

    Bretheren- Over the summer I grew some Iranian Autoflower from 1 year old seed. Let it go a little long and had some bud rot, thought I trimmed all the bad stuff off before drying/curing. Over time, one of the jars started smelling a little funky. It kept getting worse til I noticed the bud...
  5. midwest duder

    can i use left over plants?

    Just weighing in on the egg thing... All eggs are supposed to be brown. Back in the day, they discovered that they could feed something to the chickens that turns their eggs white. Thats why if you buy any kind of 'natural' or 'organic' or 'farm fresh' eggs, they are always brown. It's true...
  6. midwest duder

    Check out these new organics!

    nice advertisement
  7. midwest duder

    Ready at the same time?

    Uhh, dudes?
  8. midwest duder

    Ready at the same time?

    Hey dudes- I'm getting ready to harvest my first crop, Iranian Autoflower, and I gots me a question. I have 4 girls going, 2 on my roof and 2 in the forest preserve. All were planted at the same time and germed within a day of each other. The roof plants are in small pots on my hot roof...
  9. midwest duder

    To dry or not to dry? That's my quest(ion)

    Word up dudes. That makes sense. Thanks a million.
  10. midwest duder

    To dry or not to dry? That's my quest(ion)

    What up weed-dudes! So I'm nearing harvest on my first (hopefully) successful grow and I got's a question. It's Iranian Autoflower (thanks Dr. GT!) and I don't have any pics, no camera or comp. Anyway, if I'm gonna be makin a little cookin oil for m'self, is there any advantage to waiting...
  11. midwest duder

    Lights Timer

    Dude- There are not specific timers, such as 12/12, just timers. You have to set them. I just bought one at Home Depot 3 days ago for $7.99. You turn a dial to set the current time, then there are little clicky things that you pull out to move and push in to set. They set the 'turn on'...
  12. midwest duder

    Is 16/8 enough?

    Big JoeyJoeJoe- Thanks dude, really appreciate it. I'll post pics in a new thread once they break ground. -Duder
  13. midwest duder

    Is 16/8 enough?

    Dudes- I just planted my germinated seeds under some T5's. I think most people recommend 18 hours on, 6 off, but this is set up in my bedroom and, you know, it's bright as fuck and I need some sleep. So, in you opinions, will these guys be able to grow OK until I am able to transplant them...
  14. midwest duder

    guerilla growing from seed

    Ag- You're right. Or a helicocksucker could spot them from above . . . I love Bubbles.
  15. midwest duder

    Peat pots?

    We love- Thanks for the reply, yeah they seem like a good and simple idea, and easy to transport/transplant. I will be ordering some Durban Poison from in the coming weeks. I would also like to get my hands on something a little more modern(?) to throw in their too. This is...
  16. midwest duder

    Peat pots?

    Dudes- How do you guys feel about those small biodegradeble pots that I believe are made out of peat moss? Apparently you can put them in the dirt and they will disolve as the roots grow through them. I'm getting my seeds together and was thinking I could start them in my window sill in...
  17. midwest duder

    Cloning Aloe Vera ... [Help!]

    Aloe Dude- Glad you were able to make it over to the "dark side" here. Anyway, I have an aloe plant that never seemed to grow very tall but it does gow new leaves and get bigger. One day I noticed it seemed to be growing a new, smaller plant in the pot. When I pulled on it, it had a small...
  18. midwest duder

    Seeds/clones from "The Rev"?

    Whats up duders? I don't know if you guys are familiar with Skunk Magazine, it is Canadian. Anyways, there is a contributor that goes by the name of The Rev and he does his own breeding out of Oregon. Apparently you can get his gear if you know the right people, and, well, do any of you...
  19. midwest duder

    Next year, my 1st!!!!!

    Thanks again MS dude. Do you have any experience with deer problems and putting up chickenwire, etc.?
  20. midwest duder

    Next year, my 1st!!!!!

    Thanks dudes! Dan: Thanks for the advice on how long to grow them out I will probably do it under flourecents. Yes, they will get direct sun for at least a few hours. The hill is really tiny, its more of just a bump on the plain along the river. You know the Midwest is a pretty flat area...