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  1. S

    homemade insecticidal soap

    i began to notice tiny caterpillars munching on my buds, along with a few aphids. i made a solution of 1 tsp. organic dish soap to a cup of water and sprayed this on my plant. has anyone had any experience with this insecticidal soap. has any body harvested and/or smoked upon such buds. thanks
  2. S

    doctors, need a diagnosis please, stat!

    i'm not so sure about potassium. check out this chart. looks like magnesium or a possible nute burn. GROWFAQ
  3. S

    nutrient deficiencies (possibly caused by alkaline ph)? help please

    Nothing that really messes with the plant. A few leafhoppers and the occasional spider.
  4. S

    nutrient deficiencies (possibly caused by alkaline ph)? help please

    My plant is 39 days into flowering and some fan leaves have some sporadic yellowing/browning and it seems to be working it's way to the top from bottom. however not all leaves on the bottom seem to be effected. i purchased one time ph/nutrient testing tubes. apparently my soil ph level was 8.0...
  5. S


    the molasses is a wonderful source of potassium, with calcium and manganese. i've been putting it in my soil 1 tblspn/ gallon. shits great.