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  1. B

    yet another foxtailing post

    I'd be thrilled if mine looked the way that pic you posted does. Mine look like Frankenstein buds.
  2. B

    yet another foxtailing post

    I have a 40"x40" space with a dual bulb ballast that can run one 400w hps and one 400w mh. I always keep a good 18" between the bulbs and tips of plants.
  3. B

    yet another foxtailing post

    I guess maybe it was genetics, definitely not heat. This room stayed pretty constant around 80, sometimes 75 when I'm home and can keep the door open, plus I have a fan on constantly. I'm sprouting a different strain now, but I'm going to rip my hair out if they go sour on me last minute.
  4. B

    yet another foxtailing post

    I've searched endlessly on this foxtailing issue, and most of the posts result in people saying to generally 'be happy about foxtailing because it is new growth, more growth.' However my issue is, these buds are HORRIBLE! They are half stem, half bud, it is miserable. The plants were looking...
  5. B

    Is this hermed for sure?

    that's good to hear. My past few grows have been plagued with issues so I'm ultra paranoid now, I think I mistakenly assumed herming bud for what was actually nutrient overload, specifically nitrogen, in the past. Now every time I see weird looking bud I think it's gone bad. This time around...
  6. B

    Is this hermed for sure?

    I'm pretty sure this is herming, but is there any chance it is worth keeping or should I just chop this sucker? On some other I've seen maybe one weird version of a male flower, not really a sac but just one of those banana shaped things.
  7. B

    round yellow spots, no bugs

    I take back the statement about circular spots still, now they are becoming larger and more oddly shaped.
  8. B

    round yellow spots, no bugs

    I'm sure it isn't mites, I had them once also and although they are unbelievably tiny I could just barely see them, it's almost the texture of them you see. There really isn't anything at all under these leaves, I have a diamond loop also (great for viewing crystals) and it comes up clean. I...
  9. B

    round yellow spots, no bugs

    I thought I was having trouble viewing other pics too, but the pic is very clear, hopefully it will be viewable soon.
  10. B

    round yellow spots, no bugs

    any ideas at all? some kind of nute overload?
  11. B

    round yellow spots, no bugs

    this is probably a rookie question, but anybody know what this is about? No bugs at all, it is affecting 2 plants that share a pot, the other 8 pots have none of this happening. I've been feeding adv nut jungle juice bloom 0-5-6 and nothing else, they are in week 3 of flowering and I just...
  12. B

    buds with elongated 'sections' stretching out??

    I did start with indica seeds, I still get this sometimes. And even within the same batch of seeds and two plants side by side with identical conditions/nutes, one will get like this and one will be great. My last grow though probably 75% got like this.
  13. B

    buds with elongated 'sections' stretching out??

    Here is a pic, this is what plagues me constantly. This is outdoor, and it was shrouded in a vegetable garden so it didn't get good light, I also gave it zero nutes and I know that is probably a huge part of the problem. But bottom line is this happens to me indoors just the same when I try to...
  14. B

    buds with elongated 'sections' stretching out??

    not sure how to describe what happens to me regularly, but within the same grow some plants turn out great and some end up with buds that have these elongated parts with colas on them rather than buds all densely packed together. This happens sometimes whether I try organic or chem nutes. It's...