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  1. rudeboy1

    Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

    Has anyone heard about that mad judge from Sheffield....jailing first time offence personal
  2. rudeboy1

    Questions, new grow Jack Herer

    Absolute rubbish..lots of companies do jack herer,sensi r jus the originals and very expensive
  3. rudeboy1

    how tall is mids

    can some1 tel me how tall green spirit and euforia form dutch passion grow plz
  4. rudeboy1

    amazon aeroponics

    i was told that it wasnt root rot cuz there was no smell,so i managed to drop the temps and they picked up a little,so i giving them some root treatment,any more suggestions
  5. rudeboy1

    amazon aeroponics

    bromw dying roots in my aeroponic system,can any1 help