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  1. W

    Watering help for my babies in rockwool

    Hello, I have two sprouts a 1/2" long, and 4 germinated seeds in 2" rockwool cubes. The rockwool cubes are in 6" netted pots that are in a 5 gallon DWC bucket. Last week I killed 4 sprouting, about a quarter inch tall from the rockwool drying out. 2 survived out of the 6 and then I started 4...
  2. W

    Stealth my window

    Hello, Sorry I dont have a pic :( basically what I have is a 2ft, by 2 1/2ft window that is covered on the inside by a board with 2 6in diameter holes in it for intakes. Between the board and the window there is a good 6in of window seal. I'm looking for some kind of material I can put in the...
  3. W

    design help for exhuast fan/lights

    hello, I have 3 6" vortex fans (rated around 435CFMi) my grow room is approx 420cfm. one will be for my cool tube. the other two for intake/exhuast. Can anyone suggest particular, low cost, dual outlet timer for my light/fan that I can set for 18/6 and 12/12 settings? And for my exhuast/intake...