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  1. Thriceeee

    Club 600

    Very true! I have 7 random sativas in flower who've been fighting me the whole way.. haha
  2. Thriceeee

    Club 600

    Got 2 White Widow x Big Bud, 2 Super Skunk, and 2 Cream of the Crop KO seeds soaking as I speak.. Finally some decent genetics and no random bag seed! :weed:
  3. Thriceeee

    Miracle Grow Perlite?

    npk of .04-.01-.06 I've used it in all my grows so far with no issues. I wouldn't think such a small amount of nutes like that would last long into the grow anyway right? So probably just help lightly boost the plant early on if anything.
  4. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    Goodmorning! Definitely not angry in any way! Gonna take a LOT more than that guys haha. There's a reason why I picked this forum over the others! :razz: Buck I know how to change a thermostat. I've fabricated custom swirl pots and thermo housings for a few race engines. I actually don't charge...
  5. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    Again you pull out of your ass that i'm a low leveled mechanic with little of no knowledge of your "fancy nissan".. with nothing to back it up? why? Does it make you feel better as a man or something? Do you realize how that made you look? I think i'll end it at that. Gave my answer to this...
  6. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    really? and not knowing of my background. sheesh.
  7. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    to me.. no. Clothing I chose brand when, I want it and all other factors... as to housing what money permits and your own likes... etc Health care from what i'm saying through a job can give access itself. . The details of doctor etc has been mine.. so I'm a little confused.
  8. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    Got to do a headgasket, timing belt, and water pump tomorrow in the street. I'ts gonna be in the low 50s. FML lol Seems spoiled to most standards though hahah
  9. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    Isn't that up to me and my judgement? I've never had a doctor assigned to me through anything aside from major surgeries or other specialties. That's my right at least as far as i've exercised.
  10. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    fair enough. <3
  11. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    maybe see4, maybe... I guess time will tell... lmao
  12. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    now attacking me for keeping the peace? wow guys just wow. and yeah its cold here, what are you implying? I'm new. what does time of registering and post counts have to do with anything?
  13. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    Judgement will be judgement and you all know what thats worth.. Why clutter this board with it? Can we keep this on topic?
  14. Thriceeee

    Broke up

    I'll pack a bowl just for you bud... try some gtav and get some stress out on a hooker. I tend to like fuckin' em then killing em to get a percent of my money back. I get some rage out and get to tickle that little cheap guy inside. WIN! Shit happens and good grass grows from shit so keep your...
  15. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    Some people really need to stop being activists for a second and pressing stupid played out issues that revolve around everything! Just answer the damn question. If you've missed the context, you will be corrected by your peers. that simple. quit bitching!
  16. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    <quote>It's cheaper to let you die and hire a replacement. Maybe they'll work a little harder than you at a lower wage. Bonus! </quote> As to hiring half ass workers for half ass money. I make even more money fixing their problems than I do from my normal job.. Half ass money usually means...
  17. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    Sometimes replacements cost more money and are too much of a headache. I probably cost my first couple shops more money than I made starting as a mechanic but that's part of the learning process... it's up to the owner to see if that is worth the price or not. Other jobs may not have such a...
  18. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    I think something has been confused here... or its just too blatant. I think some are confused with what they should be able to provide with income and what an actual establishment should provide solely. ... right? haha
  19. Thriceeee

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    indirect products of work: 1-3 I feel are up to ones self to acquire as to taste Direct product of work: healthcare. If you work hard your work should help make sure you continue said work. Sooo.. I would definitely have to say I expect #4.
  20. Thriceeee

    Picture of your pet thread !!!

    That is one gorgeous Rott! ^^^ New member of the family 2 month old poodle