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  1. WeePistons

    Flowering well - but how will I know when it's ready?

    Sure thing. The plant is growing outdoors in Southern California. It has been flowering for a month approximately - I actually didn't note when it started - just guessing. I haven't looked at the tricombs - I'm not sure where to look. .
  2. WeePistons

    Flowering well - but how will I know when it's ready?

    Hello. I am having fun with my first grow and the plants seem to be doing really well, but I have a question about when to harvest the buds? I have attached a photo of the top of the plant flowering and I can see crystals all over the place so I'd love some advice on when to harvest. Thank you...
  3. WeePistons

    Male of Female - another opinion please ...

    Hello. All the rest of my plants have been confirmed female but this one seems to be male and then next time I check, I just can't tell. Can you confirm that this plant is a male? And additionally, is there another option besides ripping the plant out and killing it? Should I put the male...
  4. WeePistons

    Growing Year 'round?

    I am also in Southern California and have started a few plants for the first time. I am planning on trying to keep at least four growing all year. Learning as I go and learning a lot of this forum and YouTube. I currently have 8 in several stages of growth and would like to keep a set of four...
  5. WeePistons

    Can I grow outdoors all year in Southern California?

    Quick question: Can I grow plants all year in Southern California? I have a few flowering now and am curious if I should clone the big ones and start another small group growing. Is that possible? What is recommended? I would like to have a few plants growing all year if possible. That's the...
  6. WeePistons

    Male or Female - advice needed please

    Ha. Yeah - my plants have big balls. Pulled and killed right away. Still doing ok with some nice females already flowering. Thanks for everyone's help - I have learned everything from this forum.
  7. WeePistons

    Male or Female - advice needed please

    Hello. I have a good set of plants growing but I am not sure of the sex of one of them. Can you identify if this plant is male or female? I'd hate for a male to mess up my garden. Thanks!
  8. WeePistons

    kiwi seeds

    I am currently growing some strains and they are healthy, fast, and all female. Nice.
  9. WeePistons

    Out of town for a week - how to water?

    Thanks for the advice. I'll try anything out. :)
  10. WeePistons

    Out of town for a week - how to water?

    Hello. I'll be leaving for a trip and I'll be away from my plants for a full week and I'm nervous about the watering situation. I currently water the plants by hand. Are there any options that work well for the short-term? Thanks!