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    Its a female! Plus a fertilizing question

    I use mg tomato all year
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    been growing outdoors for 20 years and I have never flushed my plants, i stop feeding 2 weeks before harvest, have I been doing it wrong all this time?. how much water do I flush with, how often and how long before harvest. also I have heard talk of using molasses during flushing and if so how...
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    lower leaves turned yellow in a day...

    if its just the big fan leaves ,they usually turn yellow and die off starting at the bottom...a pic would help
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    Fruity strains

    if your looking for outdoor fruit try timewarp, it is lemony and northern green is lemony with a hint of orange.....pease out man!
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    Topping Question

    pull the smallest top leaves apart and pinch off whats between the leaves
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    is it finished? trichome pix

    this week forsure
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    HELP!! Fertilizer/Nutrient

    mg tomato is all I use all season, start out at half strength and depending on the strain you can build up to 3x the dose. just watch the tips of the leaves for burnage, they will let you know if you are over feeding
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    New Farming help

    50% sheep manure-50% topsoil
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    Trichomes, Good time to start flushing?

    how much molasses to water and once a week?also how long before harvest...2 weeks?
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    Show me your week before harvest plants!

    first pic gorilla gold in front...northern green in back early sept. next 2 pics timewarp mid sept
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    Drying in Small Tent with NO Ventilation? Portable Fan Vs. Tent Screen Vs ?

    dining tent with roll down sides....just leave the bottom 2 or 3 feet open