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  1. C

    topping during flowering

    Why is everyone saying that topping is bad while in the flowering phase and not give a single reason why?? I typed mine and all it does is causes the bud to fatten and elongate.
  2. C

    Leaf question (odd curling) not burning

    If the light is too close then how come other colas are doing fine? I am trying to keep the LEDs as far away as possible but the plant keeps trying to grow closer to them.
  3. C

    Leaf question (odd curling) not burning

    The only weird thing about that is other colas are the same distance and they are doing fine with no leaf curling?
  4. C

    Leaf question (odd curling) not burning

    I knew the light was too close. Yes I am using Hydro and LED lighting.
  5. C

    L.E.D. grow lights?

    I dunno maybe I will still need to play with other lighting but check out my plant pictures. I used bloomboss led lighting, seems to work nicely. This plant should yield 2 ounces said a grower of 70+ plants who visited to asses LED lighting and their potential. Also I heard companies are very...
  6. C

    Leaf question (odd curling) not burning

    No. It's a pretty gentle breeze. The temperature usually hovers at a max of 80 degrees but I try to keep it at 75.
  7. C

    Leaf question (odd curling) not burning

    I've noticed that my leafs are curling but they are curling in a weird way. here is a picture: I've started flushing with water about a week ago. A total of 5 gallons so far have been flushed through the system, also since it's hydroponics I believe the nutrients are not a problem. SO is...
  8. C

    Outer Edges of Leaves Dieing and Curling Up While Flowering (pics)

    The same thing is happening to me, but I am currently flushing the system with water. no nutrients are added. It has a month left and the leaves are curling but not burning. It just feels dry and what not, is that normal though? The leaves on this person's plant look way worse. I will post some...
  9. C

    Hydroponics w/LED lights

    Thanks, my next grow will be awesome for sure though. My First grow was a huge learning curve ^^
  10. C

    Hydroponics w/LED lights

    Thanks. My plant looks as if it was comfortable though. Trichomes are starting to show! :bigjoint:
  11. C

    Hydroponics w/LED lights

    I tied down my plant and it looks funny but here is a picture of a flower
  12. C

    Hydroponics w/LED lights

    Hey I have a question, can a flowering clone that is female become a hermaphrodite from too much stress? Stress being too much/little light or nutrients?
  13. C

    Hydroponics w/LED lights

    What do you know about trimming? My plant right now is very bushy and I heard if leaves don't get all the light then you loose yield and potency. Should I clip all the leaves currently not getting hit by light? Here is a current image of the plant. I think I got a little too big for 2 LED...
  14. C

    Hydroponics w/LED lights

    Thanks! I did notice as I dropped to 16 hours on it started to flourish again, and even now that it is on a 12/12 cycle it seems to be working very well ^^ Here is a recent photo of the plant starting on the 12/12 light cycle:
  15. C

    Hydroponics w/LED lights

    Hello! I am new here so hopefully I figure out how to use this site quickly. Anyways, I've been currently growing for 2 months now and I have a little over 2 foot tall plant growing. The plant is Candy Kush, Indica Hybrid. Can't wait til she is done growing. I am currently using VF-11 for...