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  1. kingjae518

    Volcoms first aerogarden grow

    yea, I'm not sure what the deal is with me. I've followed every bit of info I could gather on this forum, plus many others. I haven't the faintest idea of what I'm doing wrong. . .
  2. kingjae518

    Volcoms first aerogarden grow

    all these pics look awesome. It's been a month with me & my AG set up, & I've yet to even see sprouts. I'm so jealous. . .
  3. kingjae518

    Volcoms first aerogarden grow

    thanks alot for the info. i germinated my seeds from last fri. til this past monday. however, since i placed them in the AG, i haven't seen any noticeable growth. I'm guessing some patience is called for, but man, I can't help but get a little nervous . . .
  4. kingjae518

    Volcoms first aerogarden grow

    Just so I'm understanding you correctly, since planting the seeds you began with the tomato setting, then went on a 24/7 light/pump schedule? I take it you're still "vegging", since "flowering" calls for a 12/12 schedule? I'm currently on my 1st run with the AG Deluxe (just planted on Monday...
  5. kingjae518

    Volcoms first aerogarden grow

    24hrs. with the lights? Or just the pumps? Either way, the electricity bill is gonna be fat, lol. . .
  6. kingjae518

    Volcoms first aerogarden grow

    2 quick questions: 1) what settings did you originally plant with? 2) how far done did you pack your seeds? your progress thru 35 days is amazing. good luck on your harvest/ yield!
  7. kingjae518

    Aerogarden club

    just bumping to get these important questions answered. . .
  8. kingjae518

    Aerogarden club

    Couple Questions for the experienced AG growers: 1) I'm growing the Top 44 strain from nirvanashop. They claim that from planting to actual harvest is 6-8 weeks. Any idea how long I should keep my grow periods going (ie. how long to vegg, how long to flower, etc.) 2) I'm on the AG deluxe. How...
  9. kingjae518

    Aerogarden club

    there are videos on youtube of people growing low rider & haze in the basic version of the AG. I have the deluxe/master as well. I'm sure this version will be just as good, if not, better than that version
  10. kingjae518

    Aerogarden club

    thanks for the response. i planted last nite after 3 days of paper towel germing. 1st time ever growing & i'm diving in head 1st. pray for me :bigjoint:
  11. kingjae518

    Aerogarden club

    did u guys glue down your seeds in the foam packs?