Search results

  1. TheGoodGrower

    Diagnosis please?

    You'll probably be fine. Blue Planet Nutrients are excellent. You must keep your pH in check or your plants wont be able to absorb what they need. If you're in coco try about 5.8 or 5.9... In soil 6.5. For must strains I"ve found you can run BPN at full strength, and I'd push for that if I were...
  2. TheGoodGrower

    Blue Planet Nutrients journal

    HOLY SHIT!!! That's all I can say. Wow!! Yer the man!
  3. TheGoodGrower

    Feed/Nutrients Guys?

    The MICRO contains a shit load of calcium. If you're using Blue Planet in Coco and need more calcium, you can increase the Micro a little bit and should be fine. Or increase Part A on the two part. I've grown using the 3 part in coco, just following the recommended chart and never had any...
  4. TheGoodGrower

    Feed/Nutrients Guys?

    They are formulated for ALL growing mediums. Soil, coco, DWC, aero, ebb and flow, you name it. In fact, I just checked the Blue Planet website and there's a badge right on the home page that says its coco coir safe.
  5. TheGoodGrower

    Round 1 Nute Battle: Blue Planet vs Humboldt Nutrients

    Can't wait to see how this progresses. Glad to see you're giving Blue Planet Nutrients a try.
  6. TheGoodGrower

    clone from a clone

    You can clone from a clone of a clone that was already cloned from another clone. All a mother plant is, is a plant that is in veg state that one is growing for the purpose of taking clones. It can be from seed or clone.
  7. TheGoodGrower

    Breaking News From The Paul Camp..

    No... like I said I'm not OK with it. Which is why I wouldn't contribute to a business that discriminated on such things. I'm also not OK with the govt demanding people serve people they don't want to. There is no contradiction in that. I'm not OK with people shooting heroin. I think its...
  8. TheGoodGrower

    Breaking News From The Paul Camp..

    Uncle Buck, you make some weak ass arguments. Because I don't want the govt telling people how to operate their business that means I'm OK with refusing service to black people? That makes me a racist? I'm curious, how old are you? You argue like a child. But then again you are the...
  9. TheGoodGrower

    Breaking News From The Paul Camp..

    You're the one who wants MAKE people do things. Not me, UB. I dont think its OK to make black people go to the next town. However I also dont think its OK for the govt to tell people who they must contract with. If you do, I'd love to hear where you suppose they got the right to do that...
  10. TheGoodGrower

    Breaking News From The Paul Camp..

    I think you're pretty full of lip service Uncle Buck. The only thing Ron or Rand Paul opposed regarding the Civil Rights Act was allowing the govt to force PRIVATE businesses to do business with people they don't want to do business with. That is it. So if that is your biggest issue with...
  11. TheGoodGrower

    pH in rockwool going ham

    From what I gather and have read rockwool is brutal on raising the pH. I've only used it for small cubes for clones (when I run out of rapid rooters) so haven't had any serious problems with it. But if you google "rockwool raise pH" you'll find lots of other growers having the same problems...
  12. TheGoodGrower

    Nutrient questions??

    If the soil is hot (meaning full of fertilizer already) then I'd wait til at least 4 weeks and then only feed at half strength. Unless the plants start showing deficiency. Or, I guess you can even start sooner, just keep your nutes watered down. then slowly increase during each feeding to try...
  13. TheGoodGrower

    Damn, The American nanny state sure makes some stupid laws.
  14. TheGoodGrower

    Any help is appreciated

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but a bunch of 23 watt bulbs aren't going to do much, at least I dont think. If you're trying to get around buying an actual horticulture light, then I'd suggest you go to Home Depot and buy a HPS flood light and get some cardboard or something, paint it...
  15. TheGoodGrower

    Obama, You're No Stranger to the Bong: An Open Letter to the President More info:
  16. TheGoodGrower

    You on Facebook? you might like this MJ Music page

    My friend from Colorado runs this facebook page dedicated to both music and marijuana... usually both at the same time. If you want to post your own music, they will share it, or if you want to promote your business, they'll do that to. Its still pretty small but I guess it takes support to...
  17. TheGoodGrower

    Help ... what's this on leaves

    putang knows whats up... except I say to ALWAYS check pH. pH being off has got to be the most common reason we see issues.
  18. TheGoodGrower

    Nutrient questions??

    I have. I actually just gave some away to another grower on this site because I don't use that brand anymore. My suggestion would be to invest in some 2 or 3 part nutrients as the Botanicare is not a complete fertilizer; its missing some micro nutrients. But, since you probably already...
  19. TheGoodGrower

    A few seeds from a curing bud?

    Immaculate conception comment was great! Too bad we cant like comments anymore. Strange that the seed was able to fully develop and in all that time you didn't spot its daddy. Maybe he was a dead beat... sprayed his pollen and then left to go find other plants to impregnate. Some dudes are...
  20. TheGoodGrower

    A few seeds from a curing bud?

    My guess is it is a hermie if you found seeds. Something had to "impregnate" the flower, so my assumption would be that it created some male flowers to do just that and you simply missed them, or it. It only takes one male flower to produce thousands of specs of pollen. How do the seeds...