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  1. D

    will this work?

    thnx man 14 g sounds ok to me haha its still free bud lol but thnx for the info
  2. D

    will this work?

    thnx man for actually awnsering my questaion and ok ima give it a shot an for u otha guys im 18 and got a job just dont got money so fuckk off
  3. D

    PC Grobox

    do you have a computer fan in there?if so how do i rig that up to normal power outlet? -djp
  4. D

    will this work?

    its personal
  5. D

    Make your own Sweet for less than 1 dollar a gallon

    danm thnx man that shit really does start to add up
  6. D

    will this work?

    haha sry bout the color
  7. D

    will this work?

    Hi over the last 2 weeks me an my frind have been trying to put together are first grow for well pretty much free i have 0% growing an just needed some opinions if 1 i can grow without nutes or at least miracle grow all purpose plant feed its 12-2-8 i belive maybe a lil diffrent and can my plant...