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  1. T

    High Times back issues?

    Most good culture shops sell back issues.
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    CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)

    Yeah no the plants have balls all over them there just haven't been pics up for a while. I germed them fine, 5 were in the towel and 2 sprouted so I put them in the soil once they sprouted and after I transplanted. I'm confident that I did everything well but they just ended up being males. The...
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    CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)

    Yeah deff more lights, I'll try the paint and as far as proximity to the plants goes I think I did pretty well. They kept burning a little on the leaves at the top because they grew so fast. I'll try the fruit thing, anything to get a female now lol. Thanks.
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    CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)

    I think I needed more side lighting too though. They look tall but there's not much growth on them. Oh well, it was a learning experience, and it's not like it cost me much. By the way has anyone heard of drying your males and using them to make butter? Would that even be worth doing, even...
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    CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)

    True, thanks for the encouraging words man.
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    CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)

    Was going to put some pictures up soon but almost 100% both plants are male.
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    CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)

    It's in a closet, surrounded by a box wrapped in mylar, not much of a hazard. The box won't spontaneously combust lol
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    CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)

    You can do it in soil but it makes it harder to see whats going on. I used 2 paper towels. Just fold them, wet them and let them drip dry. Put one paper towel on a plate and put your seeds on that one, then put the other paper towel over top of them and put a second plate over top to keep...
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    CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)

    It can take a while for seeds to actually show some root. Mine took about a week. Just keep them between moist paper towel. Read the grow FAQ and see if that helps.
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    CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)

    Thanks man, guess I never really though about that.
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    CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)

    SOorry there haven't been any updates. I just got a digital camera so hopefully there will be today or tomorrow. The plants are growing well though so don't lose faith. keep watching!!!!
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    ICURBYOUs WhiteWidow CFL dresser growbox

    I'm sad that this isn't a CFL only grow now, but best of luck to you, I'm sure this is for the best anyways :( lol:D
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    Could I Grow Using

    If you're going to use 6, might as well do 8. One socket can hold 4 lights, if you just use 3 Y sockets, so do that with 2 sockets. It's easier then too cause if you have 3 lights in one socket with only 2 Y sockets, it sits weird because of more weight on one side.
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    CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)

    Canadian Tire
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    how do you think my lil seedlings are doing?

    definitely stretched, mine were too at first but have filled out. and should be in their own pots, don't know how you can do that now, unless you're very careful. transplanting them like that may put a lot of stress on them, especially if their roots are tangled.
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    Could I Grow Using

    Yeah it'd work. Check out the link in my sig. I'm doing an ULTRA cheap grow. Sounds really ghetto but I've really only bought light bulbs from a store, everything else is the dollar store. And I'm only growing with 4 bulbs, from seedling to harvest.
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    Could I Grow Using

    I only have 2 26watt CFL's on my plants right now for veg and in a couple days I'm putting them in flower, and only adding 2 more 26watts.
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    CFL closet grow (cheeeeap grow)

    I've been away for a while because of a family emergency but a friend was babysitting my plants, and they've grown a ton! I'll put some pictures up a.s.a.p!
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    Northern Lights closet grow - CFLs!

    No I know, I meant a cup in like a gallon of water, I just don't know why I was thinking you'd have that much at a time... baked? lol
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    Northern Lights closet grow - CFLs!

    just add a little and test it to see how much say 1 cup makes it go down, then you can figure it out