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  1. C

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    I had that yesterday......insta frozen arm, trying to pull the bag up.....obviously overfilled it trying to get through a quantity of material in less time....(bad idea).....however I have experimented with not over filling the bag in the past and am familiar with what you mean by a the right...
  2. C

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    ok thnx for the advice.....i'm thinking maybe 1/4 lb of trim per zipper bag.....and maybe 3 washes should do the trick......i think i overloaded it today....(did a whole lb) before checked back on the thread. Also it seemed like from what i pulled in the was a little greener in...
  3. C

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    any advice on optimizing performance using this zipper 220 work bag while it spins to agitate properly
  4. C

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    I did not think so either......i read some troubleshooting on the bubblenow earlier, and I noticed it said be very careful to tie the zipper bag so that leaves do not get sucked into the i guess the answer is no.......i'll try taking a picture of the inside.....gooing to work with the...
  5. C

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Curious Frenchy, I am working with a bubblenow xl machine.......wondering if you or anyone else has experience running loose trim in there without the zipper bag....i am a little nervous that it may clog up the machine with leaf material. I really want to omit the zipper work bag.....because as...