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  1. Titanpiper

    Trouble uploading images in journal and profile pic/avatar

    I see the avatar i tried to upload..but the message said failed...weird...hmmm
  2. Titanpiper

    Trouble uploading images in journal and profile pic/avatar

    Does the site often get frozen and image uploads become tricky? Profile pic is under 65kb 'upload fail' message... Whas' gawn on?! (Can upload into threads no prob..)
  3. Titanpiper

    Heyup fellow growers! I prefer to grow outside in challenging weather conditions of the...

    Heyup fellow growers! I prefer to grow outside in challenging weather conditions of the northern hemisphere! Am testing-out strains that work best in a polytunnel and outside in the full force of the elements. Buzz me if you're into the same thing and wanna share experiences/tips :-)
  4. Titanpiper

    Can thrips do this damage?

    Thanks for clarifying Kagecog...i did wonder if thrips were able to be that destructive! I also thought it's some kind of mini slug, caterpillar....but i've been amongst the plants for hours looking for evidence and there's nothing to be seen. I'm growing in a polytunnel and there are these...
  5. Titanpiper

    Can thrips do this damage?

    This is exactly the damage im experiencing to the fresh growth.
  6. Titanpiper

    Can thrips do this damage?

    Growing in a polytunnel. I've noticed this past week there are many many holes on the tender upper leaves. Even part of a new bud just forming has had its stalked nibbled. Fan leaves and other largish leaves have been left. What bug goes for the tender small fresh leaves? I found a pic online...
  7. Titanpiper

    First outdoor grow (second ever grow) - UK

    Looking good Sensi...nice plant flowering in the conservatory! I've an auto Ak49 doing well in a polytunnel...soon be ready to harvest. Wish i could grow fully outdoors, but wild deer love ganja! I experimented one year with some males...they ransacked and trampled the hell out of them! Do...
  8. Titanpiper

    still not flowering!!!

    I'm in the northern hem. and mine aren't flowering yet. Big Bomb, Dutch Passion, Purple Passion. Planted out late june. Last year planted out late april and still no flowering until september. Planting out later at least has helped control mad out of control growth in my polytunnel. Did think...
  9. Titanpiper

    Polytunnel Grow Soil PH different at different depths - help!

    Thanks for the suggestion Neo, I was reading about dolomite lime and most rekon it takes a good few months to work through the soil to change PH...hydrated lime is advised for 'instant' PH changes. I will lime thoroughly and deep for the next grow, months before planting out. I'll monitor the...
  10. Titanpiper

    Polytunnel Grow Soil PH different at different depths - help!

    Heyup folks :D..have been a lurker for grow tips for a couple of years, this is my virgin post! I grow in a polytunnel. I'm worried about the PH. I've tested the first 5 inches of soil - it's between 6.4-6.8 Deeper soil around 8-10 inches - 6.2 My water is from a natural spring and it's a...