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  1. G

    What is the cause of this and what is it

    I open one up there were two baby petals too thick and green for pistils
  2. G

    1st time grow, wondering outcome since I also super cropped it. Yield looks high

    male or hermie guys? i know females are not known to grow like this
  3. G

    Male or Hermie folks? w/ pics

    if so should i just take it too the chop shop its my only one
  4. G

    Male or Hermie folks? w/ pics

    I cant tell if those are sacks I just know females normally dont have them. I was seeing pistils at first now there covered by this
  5. G

    What is the cause of this and what is it

    hey guys i know it should make a difference but male or hermie ? i cant tell if those are sacks i just know females normally dont have them
  6. G

    What is the cause of this and what is it

    Thanks guy a lot of help!!! Exactly that I was worried to wake up too an exploded stem lol but anyway it's almost 3 months
  7. G

    What is the cause of this and what is it

    The swelling in the middle my plant has being doing the same is this good or bad ???
  8. G

    1st time grow, wondering outcome since I also super cropped it. Yield looks high

    Here's one from online mines is doing exactly this
  9. G

    1st time grow, wondering outcome since I also super cropped it. Yield looks high

    I think being my first time mixing methods is what has it going threw this I'm guessing because my other plants looks like you average mj plant
  10. G

    1st time grow, wondering outcome since I also super cropped it. Yield looks high

    Thanks for the info all you guys big help!!!
  11. G

    1st time grow, wondering outcome since I also super cropped it. Yield looks high

    Yeah instead of leaving the bended branch I snipped it off after a day or two a little away from the stem new growth grew in its place but now those nods are appearing above the same location just on top
  12. G

    1st time grow, wondering outcome since I also super cropped it. Yield looks high

    any ways on fixing this it seems every time it's loving water sun etc spider mites attack a few days after I've seen forums saying wipe the leaves I been trying this it seems too slow it down but your right it's slowly starting again
  13. G

    1st time grow, wondering outcome since I also super cropped it. Yield looks high

    1st grower normally I been reading from forum too forum trying this out. I started out cutting fan leaves because of spider mite suckings and eggs little did I know this was known as super cropping. Basically now I think I went a Little over board on it because the yield looks high and not sure...