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  1. DanGerousKush

    Root Aphid Information and Identification PLZ...(PICS)

    I just realized there is a Sub category for bugs sorry i missed that. i'm already showing me newbieness to the forums. I cant figure out how to delete this one so i can put it in the right area. Hello everyone, i am constantly using roll it up as a reference but this is my first thread of my...
  2. DanGerousKush

    Washington grower

    lots of bud sites! Looks great!
  3. DanGerousKush


    i dont know anything about that strain but the leaves look more sativa and those take longer so im guessing its a 10 week strain so you wouldn't start flush in till week 8-9
  4. DanGerousKush


    They are starting to look nice bro! it depends how long your bud is going to take to finish. say its a 8 week you would want to start it at 6-7 weeks but yours dont look anywhere near ready to me. i would say wait a couple weeks atleast and see where your at. you want to get at least a 7day...
  5. DanGerousKush

    How effective is carbon filter on smell removal? (Got some crazy ideas)

    I am newbie but i have never heard that before. my temps in the peak of summer were around 83 degrees with now problems with smell
  6. DanGerousKush

    How effective is carbon filter on smell removal? (Got some crazy ideas)

    my carbon filter works great i have a phat filter 550 cfm on a 435 inline. works great keeps my heat down and i pump it right at the neighbors driveway with NO smell coming out. just a bit of noise sounds like a drier from outside.
  7. DanGerousKush

    PLZ READ AND GIVE ADVICE...MY Plant is VERY ill ;(

    i am on my second grow so i am no expert but i overwatered and got a low ph. from what i understand overwatering turns your peatmoss more acidic. so i then locked out mag. i think you may have done the same. i would personally give a light flush with 1/4 strength like he said. BECAUSE you dont...