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  1. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I dont know how to upload on here yet, do you have a gallery or something? Im on a iPad at the moment
  2. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I run Exodus Cheese of the clone only variety, my mate had it over a decade, moved south from the midlands, he had the G aswell but lost that before I started growing. i wouldn't grow greenhouse seeds gear if you payed me! lol Is the n00b comment aimed at me?
  3. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Nice selection, Iv only run Exodus out of that lineup, lovely old girl. Im running a few killerskunk at the minute, nearly finished, massive calyx to leaf ratio, looks and smells lovely, similar to blues/livers I think. Never heard of bluepit! Cheers anyway
  4. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Alrite Uk crew, south west here, nice to meet you all :) Cheers
  5. C

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi guys, not a newbie to growing but a newbie here, Im in the south UK and look forward to speaking to like minded growers Cheers