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  1. Jaxtaz

    Germinate seeds under light?

    I use a light 24 hour on my humidity dome to keep my RH high and temps under control. Germinating and seedlings love the greenhouse effect. Other then that, I can't think of any reason for lights on or darkness.
  2. Jaxtaz


    You should be golden. Carbon filters work wonders. My 4" works just fine with 12 plants in a 10' x 4' X 7' room. No smell outside of room, notta.
  3. Jaxtaz

    Questions about 250w hps grow closet

    I think you underestimate the smell mate, but you'll soon find out. Everyone has there ways of cultivating, I'm certainly not going to push my methods on you. Good luck man, I think you have the basics down. The rest is gonna be trial and error for what works best for YOU. I look forward to...
  4. Jaxtaz

    Questions about 250w hps grow closet

    A Carbon filter is pretty essential. One plant generally is enough to stink up the whole house, or whatever kinda castle you live in.
  5. Jaxtaz

    Water only organic COCO mix until flowering

    Save the bottles. One day you'll want to toss it up for a change, and ghetto hydroponics is the way to go! Sometimes I'll get bored and plant plant like 9 or 10 into 1 gallon hempy buckets in my 3x3 tent, just to mix it up a little. That should burn through your excess liquid ferts.
  6. Jaxtaz

    One plant & one 600watt

    Scrog that girl!!
  7. Jaxtaz

    Whats Wrong With My 23 cola girl

    It's a little late in you're grow for transplanting in my opinion. You're plants rhizosphere needs to re-establish itself. Just feed it water for the next couple feedings. Good luck man
  8. Jaxtaz

    Breeders Boutique Grow

    Always buy military! Trust me. Hooyah
  9. Jaxtaz

    info on these spots?

    I usually add dolomite lime with FFOF. I find that Cal-Mag is the only really missing link to Fox Farms line up.
  10. Jaxtaz

    my plants are droopy and have yellow spots on leaves.

    I would recommend Roots Organic or FoxFarm is pretty good. They run about $20 for a 20 gallon bag where I'm at, and that should be enough for your grow. Buy some perlite about $10 for a big bag and mix about 1/4 of it in soil. It helps the plants breath and promotes healthy watering. And yes...
  11. Jaxtaz

    my plants are droopy and have yellow spots on leaves.

    Raise your light a foot or two for now. those little guys dont need that much exposure. I would personally have those plants all in the same kind of pots, just for the fact you know what to expect. I would also highly recommend a different soil, like ASAP. you are on the right track , good luck!
  12. Jaxtaz

    WTF Man. I spend good money with top of the line breeders and get shit. WHY?

    Greed and weed, brotha. Sad to see, sorry to hear about it.
  13. Jaxtaz

    How are they looking so far

    Looks like you're topping you're ladies. Are ya gonna SCROG it, just curious. They look very nice.
  14. Jaxtaz

    Very first grow using hydroponics expensive system please help

    Grab a tent, coco, 1kW light, Carbine filter and fan. Go with an easy nutrient line-up, not the whole damn AN product line, lol. Get a PPM meter and PH meter and SELF WATER till you learn wtf you are doin, and be happy if you even make it to the end and if so, be happy for over an ounce per...
  15. Jaxtaz

    Just wanted to say

    You're a good dude Jeffdogg! I logged on and you brought a smile on my face, just wanted to say that. Thx
  16. Jaxtaz

    8 weeks 12/12 soil not drying

    I hear ya man, I'm at 11 days of germinating seedlings and out of 6 plants I have in my rapid rooters 1 I have not watered in 11 days. the others I have to water every day.
  17. Jaxtaz

    8 weeks 12/12 soil not drying

    I'm a big fan of "one more day" the plant and the soil will tell you when it's ready. No stress mate, when it looks dry to you. Feed it.
  18. Jaxtaz

    Freak Accident leads to Monstrous Revelation.....

    Microwave radiation dissipates at a crazy Ft. per second. I wouldn't worry, light bulbs cell phones and many other things emit radiation. Unless your plants were literally inside the microwave nothing "abnormal" would've happened . I've had to do plumbing 20ft. in front of a direct path of a...
  19. Jaxtaz

    Lunch break Hero

    While I know it's not "professionally acceptable, I've been living the Sublime song - "Smoke Two Joints" methodology sort of speak, since 1996. Since I was a green "wet behind the ears" plumber apprentice till now, owning my small little plumbing business. It's construction and I know my guys...
  20. Jaxtaz

    Trichomes in veg possible

    Ladies are look'in good, just maturing is all. Just ride it out =)