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  1. 4

    clone problem :( !!! need some suggestions please

    whats up everyone here on roll it up :bigjoint: !!! hope i can get some help with my problem. i just recieved about 12 pk clones on one whole uncut rockwool brick. they're about 2 or 3 inches apart. they are showing roots now. how on earth am i going to get them in individual soil pots. i...
  2. 4

    what brand co2 monitor is this ???

    I've looked all over the internet without any luck.:-( anyone know what company makes this co2 monitor ? any help will be appreciated.
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    anyone know what brand co2 monitor this is ???

    I've search all over the internet for this co2 monitor and just have no luck finding it. :-( If anyone knows what brand this is, please let me know. Thanks in advance for the help. :bigjoint: Attached Thumbnails
  4. 4

    Help please !!! 3 more weeks of flowering !!!

    i ended up using ladybugs and predators and they seem to be working great - thanks everyone for saving my 1st grow
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    Please Help !!! Emergency !!! SpiderMite Problem !!!

    thanks everyone for your suggestions and help - i decided just to use ladybugs and predator mites since my grow room stays around 73 - 79 when lights are on and i use glass covered feflectors - boy are they useful :mrgreen: - i released 100 bugs & 100 predators - i bought organic safegro pest...
  6. 4

    Help please !!! 3 more weeks of flowering !!!

    someone please help me out - i have 3 more weeks left of flowering and i just discovered spider mites around my plants - i have 40 babies using FoxFarm Ocean Forest and these damn pest are spreading pretty fast - would i be able to use organic miticide/insectiside to kill these little bastards...
  7. 4

    Please Help !!! Emergency !!! SpiderMite Problem !!!

    thanks twistyman & customhydro !!! I've been up all nite (can't sleep for shit cuz of this problem) - i can't wait until the stores open so i can get started - i will read up on co2 method more so i don't mess anything up since i have a few hours before stores open up. think 1000 ladybugs and...
  8. 4

    Please Help !!! Emergency !!! SpiderMite Problem !!!

    has anyone ever used or know if i can use SaferGro Pest Out organic miticide - i have only 3 weeks left of flowering and i hope all 40 of my babies make it thru - i'm losing my mind slowly - don't know what the best choice to make for my situation
  9. 4

    Please Help !!! Emergency !!! SpiderMite Problem !!!

    thanks livevibe - u think i can use ladybugs and spider mite predators at the same time - i can get 1,000 of both for a little under $70 - will these spider mite predators harm my buds though ???
  10. 4

    Please Help !!! Emergency !!! SpiderMite Problem !!!

    my humidity stays around mid 60's when light is on and drops 7-9 % when light is off
  11. 4

    Please Help !!! Emergency !!! SpiderMite Problem !!!

    thanks canadiancowboy, i definetly appreciate your help - i will definetly try this method once the store opens - i will be praying for this method to work - good thing i ask before doing anything - this is my first grow and i am freaking out eversince i discovered these bastard mites - my...
  12. 4

    Please Help !!! Emergency !!! SpiderMite Problem !!!

    I'm on week 6 of flowering and i just found traces of spidermites. :cry: I'm soil growing in a third floor bedroom. Can anyone with past experience on getting rid of these pest help me out please. I have Avid chemical but have no idea if i can use it on my budding plants. Any help will be very...
  13. 4

    organic SoG set-up

    thanks - i still have a couple of weeks left to buy the rest of the equipment and do more research
  14. 4

    organic SoG set-up

    i'm the definition of a newbie to growing so please forgive me for any stupid questions Questions : 1. is it even possible to have a 16 plant SoG set-up using organic soil ? 2. how many different sections will i need to be able to harvest 16 plants every month ? 3. am i just a crazy...
  15. 4

    organic SoG set-up

    i'm the definition of a newbie to growing so please forgive me for any stupid questions Questions : 1. is it even possible to have a 16 plant SoG set-up using organic soil ? 2. how many different sections will i need to be able to harvest 16 plants every month ? 3. am i just a crazy...
  16. 4

    can't decide what light to use for veg room :(

    thanks, i will definetly check it out - i have 3 more days to make my final decision on which light to use for my veg room
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    can't decide what light to use for veg room :(

    i want to use them also but just don't know what type to buy or how strong they should be
  18. 4

    can't decide what light to use for veg room :(

    whuts up everyone ? - need some pointers here - i plan on using my closet for my veg room - it is 2 feet deep-12 feet wide-10 feet high - i have about 30 clones - what would be the best lighting system that i should use for vegging only in a room that size - i really want a good light for this...
  19. 4

    Welcome New Members!

    whut up rollitup fam? - newbie here - been reading alot in this forum and i just wanna say thank you to everyone for all there knowledgeable guide & tips - this place will definetly help alot - good look'n out