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  1. M

    hows my baby looking

    foreal, he didn't ask for an opinion of his setup. Some ppl have space constraints or don't have the funds to purchase HID lighting. I agree, it IS far superior but for my first grow I'll keep it simple with CFL's too, for all the reasons I've just stated Everybody's setup is different, and I...
  2. M

    prices of weed?....

    I recall reading an article in rolling stone about law enforcement busting outdoor grow-ops in kentucky. According to the article, Kentucky is the highest producer of domestic cannabis, second only to Cali. It was a while ago that I read that may be completely outdated, but it...
  3. M

    inconspicuous grow box ideas

    OH one more thing.... how does everybody feel about starting the 12/12 flower cycle before any signs of pre-flowers? I'm hoping this will speed up the budding process. Anything specific I should know?
  4. M

    inconspicuous grow box ideas

    Hey guys, new here...and finally have a semi-ideal opportunity to test my green thumb. I'm a long-time lurker and have watched various youtube videos about cultivation and read the GROW FAQ/numerous threads on this site. All very helpful and informative What I couldn't find was a thread...
  5. M

    raising cattle

    o and I naturally assumed that by "cattle" you meant that's what my post referred to. I was just trying to say I disagree with floridacity's post about feeding cattle (cows) I'm sure if you plan accordingly and have the necessary resources (land) you can pull this off and make some...
  6. M

    raising cattle

    organic is important & i commend your interest, but as a nutrition major, I think you've overlooked one of the most crucial factors... Cows naturally graze on grass. They're rumnants, meaning they possess a 45-gallon rumen (like a stomach) which converts omega 3 and 6-rich grasses into lean...
  7. M

    My first grow check it out {pictures of the plant and bud included}

    looks awesome (for a first grow too) and will look even better once properly cured nice job