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  1. R

    Rockwool transplanted in soil question?

    This may be a dumb question but oh well. If I wanted to set up a cloning room for myself, would using rockwool to put my clones into be ok if I was planning on planting them in soil after they become rooted?? And also, what do you have to do to get rockwool prepared before you put a clone into it?
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    trimming lower branches

    Don't trim fan leaves PLEASE!! I hate to hear about people trimming fan leaves, it's just crazy practice. Plants use everyone of they're leaves for living a healthy life. This practice just doesn't make sense to me!!
  3. R

    curling leaves

    I have the same issue on oner of my plants. It is about 4 weeks old as well and has a few leaves in the middle and on the bottom of the plant where the tips of the leaves are curled down. Very healthy green on them but they just seem to curl. I saw a pic in the grow bible of a plant that was...
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    Problem - Help please

    It may be lock up. If you are feeding ever other day, then I would agree that is too much. If you feed the plants too much you start to get build up around the roots, I believe the build up is a salt of some kind. This will lock out the plants ability to absorb any new nutrients it needs. I...
  5. R

    Chelated Iron?

    Thanks for the replies!! That's all I need to know, I'm def not gonna do it then!!
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    Problem - Help please

    Word! Don't deprive them of the N even though you're in the flowering stage. They still need it. You're also pretty early in the flower stage so def don't deprive them of the nitrogen.
  7. R

    Chelated Iron?

    That's what I'm trying to prevent. That's what I was asking, if it would cover up the other deficiencies it might have. I def don't want to cover up the plants needs but it just surprises me that adding chelated iron would cover up other problems. Don't plants need some sort of iron, along...
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    Chelated Iron?

    This may be a dumb question but I'm going to ask anyway. Is adding chelated iron to my plants just going to be a false sense of security? What I mean by this is that I know if I add this to my plants they will turn an intense green and will not show a whole lot of yellow. Will this cover up...
  9. R

    Opinions on My Setup

    Yeah it definitely looks like they're stretching. I'd hate to tell you to buy new lights but I think that would make a big difference! Like greenbeast said I would go with some CFL's (like 42 watts) or maybe even a T8 electronic ballast fluorescent lights, which are a little more effecient...
  10. R

    Opinions On Bulbs

    Like nongreenthumb said i am done as well! Just one short comment, sorry. Your "Length of the power cord is engineered for the ballast" bullshit comment still has no proof behind. "Just call them blah blah blah." Of course they are gonna tell you that because unless they go there and physicaly...
  11. R

    Opinions On Bulbs

    Like nongreenthumb said i am done as well! Just one short comment, sorry. Your "Length of the power cord is engineered for the ballast" bullshit comment still has no proof behind. "Just call them blah blah blah." Of course they are gonna tell you that because unless they go there and physicaly...
  12. R

    Opinions On Bulbs

    C2m, you know what you're right. You're right that i didn't read the rest of the posts before I replied, my bad!! BUT, your exact words are "Digital ballasts have exploded and caused fires." Now if that is saying that it blew up the lamps than that's my bad again. You know what, I still...
  13. R

    tv could it just.....

    Well back to the question, although it has been an interesting thread, IMHO i really don't think a TV would do shit and kind of have to agree with seedlessone about it being a pretty retarded ass question. I think this might be common sense, but maybe not for everyone, talking to your plants is...
  14. R

    Opinions On Bulbs

    Thank you Godka's!!! What the hell put the idea in someone's head that a digital ballast will explode and cause some crazy fire and shit! I'm an experienced commercial electrician and have put thousands and thousands of those things up and absolutely NEVER had one explode!!! I'm no damn...
  15. R

    ph adjustment

    I have made up some soil because my Miracle Grow soil was shit!! After I finished making my organic soil mix, I transplanted my plants and they seem to be doing a whole lot better! But my ph is a hair low (about 6.0-6.3). Now I have some Espoma Organic Traditions Garden Lime that is in...
  16. R

    What's wrong with my ladies?

    How is your humidity? Also you need to actually check your ph level to determine if the actually need a ph adjustment. Pics are pretty hard to see the problem but it kind of seems like it is a heat issue in a super dry area.
  17. R

    Tall plant

    Yes, adding the soil may help. It also may not help, that stem had no intentions of being a root of that plant. Adding soil may also be the demise of that plant. It is just a newborn and has been exposed to a bunch of different stresses all ready! Have you ever added soil around a tree, making...
  18. R

    Dried and ready to cure! 5 others awaiting....

    Looks tasty man!! I can almost smell and taste it from here.
  19. R

    Are Feminized seeds B.S.?

    Not sure if this is true or not as I have never dealt with them before, but I've read that it is very common to end up with hermi's. To me, that kinda sounds like it is too risky! Like seedlessone says though, some people swear by them.
  20. R

    Two Headed Blueberry?!?

    That's some wild shit man!! I've never seen that before and I've seen a lot!