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  1. ItsyBitsyHigh

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    Dude, how's it going?:joint:
  2. ItsyBitsyHigh

    Male, Female or Too Early

    Well, the light source is the Sun. These are being outdoor grown. But, what do you mean?
  3. ItsyBitsyHigh

    Male, Female or Too Early

    I was hoping, that was the case. Cause they sure didn't look like hairs to me~
  4. ItsyBitsyHigh

    Male, Female or Too Early

    Hello~ Here's a picture of my oldest plant; about 3-4 weeks. Is it possible to tell the sex yet? I'm looking at the growth at the stem/1st leaf set juncture. What'cha think?