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  1. T

    what am I doing wrong? first timer, HELP!

    I haven't fed them anything, everything was already in the soil, If i flush the soil, how much should I flush it? I read somewhere a gallon of water per gallon of soil, does this sound right? I don't want to drown them either! No idea what strain, just seeds out of a bag that someone got.
  2. T

    what am I doing wrong? first timer, HELP!

    I posted another thread but other people said someone else should've put their post in the newbie section so that's what i'm doing now. I figured i'd try to grow, I only have 4 plants, about 5 days ago the leaves started curling under. I've read alot of things from over watering to too many...
  3. T

    help me please!

    First time growing, leaves are curling under (in the last 5 days). Don't think it's deficiency got premixed soil says good for 9 months, its been about 8-9 weeks. wondering if maybe too many nutrients or overwatering. didn't want to flush roots in case too much water is the problem. plants...