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  1. C

    I think I finally killed her !

    wouldn't it be even more stressful for her ?
  2. C

    I think I finally killed her !

    No need to call the 5-0, it'a a plant I'm talking about... :) anyway, following my 2 last posts: I think I might took the wrong advice and...
  3. C

    what's wrong with my plant ???

    I actually feel that there's some hope. there are some healthy looking parts and I think it started budding at last...
  4. C

    Moving into a bigger flowerpot

    Hi I have a not so healthy plant ( in a very small flowerpot. It is already more than 2 month old and 3 weeks into 12/12. Just started showing flowering signs. Is it to late to move it to a new and bigger flowerpot ?(right...
  5. C

    what's wrong with my plant ???

    Also an update: I've measured the PH levels before and after watering... I know ot would be better if I did it only with water, but it's nutrients time. so: Clean Water : PH=7 Water + fertilizer: PH=3.5 Water coming out of the bottom: PH=5.5 to 6.5 My conclusion: as I thought the soil is too...
  6. C

    what's wrong with my plant ???

    Is it too late to move it to a bigger flowerpot ?
  7. C

    what's wrong with my plant ???

    Hi I know, it's my first grow and I've done most of the possible mistakes... (even after I read and prepared myself). 1. I know that the shape of the leaves shows over-watering, but I do wait sometimes even 5 days between each watering and check that the soil is dry. 2. I was afraid of...
  8. C

    what's wrong with my plant ???

    I'm using a regular store-bought soil mixture. I added to it a while ago a little bit of Humus. I also switched fertilizer 3 weeks ago (in coordination with switching to 12/12) from N/P/K=10/7/9 to 3/7/5 (flower fertilizer that contains also other micro-elements such as copper. iron etc.) I add...
  9. C

    what's wrong with my plant ???

    Hi all After putting to sleep 2 out of my 3 plants (for being males), my third and last plant is showing unhealthy signs. The other 2 (males) were very healthy and showed good signs of (male) flowering after 2 weeks of 12/12. The third one is in it's 3rd week of 12/12 and still no distinct...
  10. C

    please help me verify it's a male

    will do, but I'm feeling so frustrated, because I made so many mistakes in my first growth... I just want it to be done already so I can start over... I still hope I'll get something out of it in the end though... 10x man
  11. C

    please help me verify it's a male

    nop, got 1 left, but it's not very healthy (I think I gave it a nutrient burn or something), maybe that's the reason it hasn't shown flower signs yet...
  12. C

    please help me verify it's a male

    hi all, After executing my favorite plant (1/3) this week, I need to help confirming that the second one is also a male for sure. pics: Thanks.
  13. C

    male or female

    Thanks man, you made me a bit more optimistic in a very sad day :)
  14. C

    male or female

    this is my first time... I'll be a lot smarter next time (if there will be next time) I guess I should just wait for it to show it's sex...
  15. C

    male or female

    It's done. Rest in peace bro :( any answer regarding the third plant that shows no sex signs ?
  16. C

    male or female

    well, this makes it 2 out of 3.... :cry: (although I was sure I saw white hairs coming out of the pre-flowers in the second plant...) Isn't it strange that the third one is showing no flowering signs after 2 weeks of 12/12 ?
  17. C

    male or female

    another pic of the second one: pleeeease... is there a chance it's a female ?
  18. C

    male or female

    that's what I thought :cry: are you completely sure ?
  19. C

    male or female

    both of them ?! (it's not the same plant)
  20. C

    male or female

    Hi guys I'm a newbie got 3 plants. went on 12/12 about 2 weeks ago. I think I have at least 1 male (or hermaphrodite)... can you help me verify it before I kill them ? pictures attached: first plant: second one: