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  1. KoseGrower

    UK Monster Grow - Swiss Cheese

    He's fine, we have just been stoned for 3 years, honestly, best grow ever x
  2. KoseGrower

    1st Time Grower - Greenhouse

    put more photos up you should update every friday when you take the pics
  3. KoseGrower

    Green House Grow

    i didnnt have the pistures on my computer
  4. KoseGrower

    1st Grow With Big Bud And Crystal

    what were the results like for big bud? i was considering growing it but decided on arjans haze
  5. KoseGrower

    First Grow Outdoor UK

    i have som sativas just like that, i love sativa although ive never grown indicia
  6. KoseGrower

    Shroomy cake pic

    whats better... shrooms or LSD
  7. KoseGrower

    Growing Tobacco

    and does anyone have any idea of the prise range regarding tobacco seeds?
  8. KoseGrower

    Green House Grow

    the plants that have grown in the 2weeks are around 15cm tall and one has suffered either heat damage or been starved of water, please comment when i upoad a photo shortley
  9. KoseGrower

    Green House Grow

    hi i am an inexperienced grower that has recently started a greenhouse grow i succesfully germinated 10 seeds and have 6 plants growing 2 of the plants are 2weeks old and the other 4 are only a few days can anyone give me some tips for growing in a greenhouse?
  10. KoseGrower


    welcome and hi
  11. KoseGrower

    Another Hi Thread...

    hi im new to growing aswell and any advice is appreaciated
  12. KoseGrower

    I love pot and no one will take it away from me.

    i agreee, cannabis should be legal 100%
  13. KoseGrower

    How much do you consider a £20 bag is?

    3g is an average £20 bag
  14. KoseGrower

    Should I grow indoor?

    those pictures look lush and im also interested in starting an indoor grow
  15. KoseGrower

    1st time grower - 2 weeks 2 days old, doing well?

    needs to be replanted soon this time in the centre of the pot lol
  16. KoseGrower

    Great Stoner Quotes

    this is england on rayner
  17. KoseGrower

    this is a picture of my first grow ever all organic between 40 and 50 days old

    the picture is too small, but they look like theyre a decent size
  18. KoseGrower

    How to Legalize Cannabis!

    if cannabis becomes to much of a problem, for example too many people being arrested for possesion, then the government will losen the laws because at the end of the day they will need to control it and the only way to stay in control will be to legalise it, and they will make a fuck load of...
  19. KoseGrower

    Great Stoner Quotes

    at macdonalds... 'what the fuck are you doing here rayner' 'you havent even got any food'
  20. KoseGrower

    Growing Tobacco

    im intending on growing it for personal use so i shouldnt have any of those problems, it still depends on weather i can find a decent place to purchase seeds, grow information would also be helpful