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  1. SourShower

    First Outdoor Grow - Bagseed

    Day 34 of flower. So far.. so good! :-D Some pics from another plant I have outside, same strain, but the plant and bud formation looks surprisingly different: Here are some young ones that are already flowering (lol), mixed strains: Here's a little clone lighting setup i...
  2. SourShower

    Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect

    im currently using sensi grow/bloom 2 part for my outdoor soil grow (check out the link in my signature) and indoor dwc grow. works great, the only thing is that its more expensive than most brands. i would suggest buying small bottles of the nutrients first so you can test it out to see if you...
  3. SourShower

    First Grow Ever: HSO Blue Dream in DWC

    sub'd! plants and setup both looking great. i also have 2 dwc buckets, and i plan on growing HSO blue dream next time around, im excited to see how yours turns out :cool:
  4. SourShower

    First Outdoor Grow - Bagseed

    First serious outdoor grow, unknown strain. I've topped this plant several times when it was young and now there are too many tops to count. I'm hoping everything turns out well :grin: I will be posting more pics Day 28 of flower soil: Fox Farm Ocean Forest, 7 gallon smart pot nutrients...