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  1. B

    Need help on leaf.....they look burnt

    My leaves are turning
  2. B

    Is this Good enough

    yeah email me [email protected] subject lighting
  3. B

    Is this Good enough

    Yeah....I am in the hottest part of it around 98 degrees outside and 89 at night. And this is in a closet. 2ft by 5ft....and an HPs is way more expensive than the 15 dollars it took to make that light set up.....I just wanna get a pound or two that's it.....I smoke don't...
  4. B

    Is this Good enough

    Not hard is on a piece of 1x 4 wood the width of the closet....I have a fan and dehumidifier on the floor.....I constructed the lamps quite easy....well easy for me....and I have 15 2700k &3000k cfl waiting.....I will have to make a reflective top and I have an attic door up...
  5. B

    Is this Good enough

    Not hard is on a piece of 1x 4 wood the width of the closet....I have a fan and dehumidifier on the floor.....I constructed the lamps quite easy....well easy for me....and I have 15 2700k &3000k cfl waiting.....I will have to make a reflective top and I have an attic door up...
  6. B

    Is this Good enough

    First time grow, 4 bag seeds plants and mystery widow. Wattage=246 6500k over 15,000lumens, also 48in flourscent lampX2bulbs 6500K 32wX2 but it isnt on. Just need some advice and plants are a week old and 3 seedlings. Can i get some really good weed if taken care and I know Male or Hermies. I...