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  1. H

    PH drops in 10g Res

    Haha, being baked and bored is a good thing! Your input is always appreciated
  2. H

    Lighthouse Hydro - Blackstar 135W 45 bulb UFO LED

    I was worried when i purchased it, i am buying another one shortly. You just cant beat the purple glow it throws over the room.
  3. H

    PH drops in 10g Res

    Man, you're the 2nd person I've heard say that, the first being the dude at the local hydro store. What's the price like on the Advance Nutrients?
  4. H

    PH drops in 10g Res

    Yes sir!, the same night i posted i threw 5 20oz 3/4 full water bottles in the fridge. Got my temps down and my PH is now in check. You guys are bad asses!. Thanks for all the advice. Last time i changed my res water i did it right after a flow cycle, and grabbed the pump from the water and...
  5. H

    Lighthouse Hydro - Blackstar 135W 45 bulb UFO LED

    Yeah, i hear ya. It covers the 1 pretty good, you could prolly/maybe get two under it if you started bloom @ 12 inches. It would be excellent for someone running stealth under a sink base cabinet. But you're right, anything over 2'x2' you're prolly going to need another.
  6. H

    Sick of cfl want input

    Head on over to the Indoor growing> LED light sub forum. Couple stickys with good well known companies and links to them. There is also a post on here somewhere with a guy running a test with those ebay LED's. I believe it's in the same area as above.
  7. H

    Feeding advice.

    Search the forum for PPM, there is a good write up about ppm/tds/ec in here somewhere. If i find it i will link it here. **Updated with link**
  8. H

    Lighthouse Hydro - Blackstar 135W 45 bulb UFO LED

    Quality LED. well made case and the fans are quieter than expected. All in all, if you want to do a small grow with 1-2 plants in a closet or another place where heat is an issue, this is it. I have it over one Sour Diesel in my ebb n flow hydro bucket. I am going to get a grow journal going on...
  9. H

    A whole lot of Hempy and a whole lot of watts

    Awesome!, Being underground helps with cooling cost!
  10. H

    A whole lot of Hempy and a whole lot of watts

    Back when i was a welder, we called that "flash burn". I bet even with sun glasses that room is bright! Btw, that setup is badd ass man!
  11. H

    PH drops in 10g Res

    Good info man, thanks!
  12. H

    PH drops in 10g Res

    Got cha, I am using the clay pellets, but i used the rockwool to place the clone into the clay. Pretty much to hold it up, and since my pump only runs every 4 hours, i wanted the rockwool to keep my plant damp between feedings.
  13. H

    PH drops in 10g Res

    Also, there is no strange odor, and the roots are nice and white. But the water temp has always stayed right around that range. So it does sound like a breeding ground for issues.
  14. H

    PH drops in 10g Res

    What temp should i shoot for? Maybe i should be looking into a chiller? Thanks for the quick response by the way!
  15. H

    PH drops in 10g Res

    2nd week in on fresh Hydro clones. Running Single 5G bucket, Flood and drain. I run the flood pump 15 minutes, every 4 hours. It fills the bucket, and overflows back into the res. PPM = 600 total including faucet water - GH nutrients (Micro,Grow,bloom) Res = 10 gallon w/ 10" airstone. Medium =...