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  1. McVader

    Healthy plant or too much top watering?

    Thanx for feedback folks! Yeah this girl is rock solid...flowering now and of course still growing (might need a bigger box!) Her home is a SuperBox from Super Closet - 200W CFL with a 3 Gal Res. Thinking about moving to a LED SuperStar and rocking some Blueberrys. Will post some bud shots in...
  2. McVader

    Robert Bergman Seeds?

    3 orders placed...3 orders received (last order - paid for 10 white widows seeds, got 20). Here's my current WW at 3 weeks
  3. McVader

    Healthy plant or too much top watering?

    2nd grow attempt so possibly making something of nothing :confused:. Anyway, getting crazy hydro growth from this white widow (she's only 3.5 weeks old) and roots look great, but curious about the leaf 'marbling'. Is this normal or do I need to back off on top watering. I only top water once...
  4. McVader

    Help needed

    First time hydro grower. I have a single slow growing feminized NL in a stealth box; vegging at around week 9. Was doing 18/6 CFL lights but changed to 24/- round the clock because of auto flowering strain. Read this would increase growth rate by 30%. Plant has been doing well up until 2 days...