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  1. T

    Buying venting system

    So last year i bought a small grow tent along with 6" everything, inline hurricane fan, phresh carbon filter, insulated duct from plantlightinghydroponics. When it was all delivered, i realized the tent was rated for a 4" venting system, not a 6". I was thinking of buying reducers and getting it...
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    How to do LST in soil?

    If i'm going to be transplanting, and i can't put a few screws/hooks on the side of the pot because if i tie down i can't transplant. How soon are you suppose to start LST? Can i start LST later on after i transplant?
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    New to organics, need help building soil plan for a grow cycle

    Is there any difference between oyster shell and lime? Do i add the same amount of oyster shell as i would with lime? Would it be best in powdered form? i have lime on hand, but i can look for some oyster shell if it's better. My lime is like, small pellets. Should i grind them up into a fine...
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    New to organics, need help building soil plan for a grow cycle

    So base mix is Pumice, Peat Moss, worm castings, and lime &rock dust added in. Can i grow seedlings up to a month old with this base mix alone? Someone on the forums uses this mix but adds jiffy mix seed starting organic soil to it. Is that essential? then when there about a month old ill...
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    What should i do with this grow space? (problem, it's a little small)

    yea but the problem is i only have 28-32 inches to grow my plants with the pots, and considering plants get at least 2 feet tall is problem, because the light will burn them. I'm looking into training techniques. i will SCRoG but that doesn't get rid of vertical space.
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    What should i do with this grow space? (problem, it's a little small)

    It's about 44" tall, that leaves 28" growing space with light, and i can always take the rope ratchets off for an additional 5 inches. That's a 400W HPS dimmed to 50% which is about 200W and ill hook up a 4" venting system. So thats 28-33" growing space which sucks but can i do anything with it...
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    Yeah as soon as all the trichomes are milky white/not clear, perhaps even when a bit have gone amber your going to wan't to harvest. You would actually cut and dry at this time and flush before the trich's are in this state. As soon as all of them go milky white, start flushing and cut when...
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    Need serious advice and HELP!!!

    Inb4 this is the guy who robbed you and it's his car