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  1. Dr. Dakota

    Unidentifiable Deficiency - Please Help!

    Went out and got some CALiMAGic yesterday and used it. Waiting on the results. I'll report back on them in a week or so. Thanks again for the suggestion, nice and cheap.
  2. Dr. Dakota

    Unidentifiable Deficiency - Please Help!

    I love your suggestion of MOAB because I have been reviewing it for a while and now that I hear someone recommend it i'll definitely try it out. As for the NPK, your formula seems to have a lot of potential to it. Unfortunately, I've already wasted a couple hundred bucks buying the nutrients to...
  3. Dr. Dakota

    Unidentifiable Deficiency - Please Help!

    Yup. They started to show up as soon as they started to bud. Props!
  4. Dr. Dakota

    Unidentifiable Deficiency - Please Help!

    Info Bump What type of medium; soil or hydro? Soil. What brand and type of soil? 50% FOFF and 50% Roots Organics Indoors or outdoors? Outdoors. What strain? Is affecting both the Indicas and Sativas How old are the plants? 4 1/2 months What is your watering frequency and source of water? Tap -...
  5. Dr. Dakota

    Unidentifiable Deficiency - Please Help!

    These straaange brown spots started forming around the edges of my leaves and I have no clue what they are. At first I thought it was a manganese problem but did further research and figured it wasn't. About 2 weeks ago I had hit them with Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Fish Hydrolysate...
  6. Dr. Dakota

    Strange White Spots on Leaf Tips Only

    I went out and bought a 60-100x magnifier and I see nooo mites.
  7. Dr. Dakota

    Strange White Spots on Leaf Tips Only

    Damn I was hoping I ruled out mites because of the order of the spots. I do notice little black dots, but they don't seem to be moving. They aren't particularly close to the stem though. They might even be specs of dirt I think. I do only have a 10x though.
  8. Dr. Dakota

    Strange White Spots on Leaf Tips Only

    Hey there, so I've noticed these small white specks/splotches on the very tips of my leaves. I have absolutely no idea what they or if they are even harmful. Would one of you guys help me out? I can provide other pics/info if needed. (Outdoor Grow)
  9. Dr. Dakota

    Blooming fertilizers with high Nitrogen?

    This seems like something worth trying. Would you suggest the tea/water ratio?
  10. Dr. Dakota

    Blooming fertilizers with high Nitrogen?

    Thanks for all your advice, I think I'll do what Rob Roy suggested and try different ratios for different plants. But DynaGro has definately been on my mind lately. Although I was more looking at the Blooming Liquid, but i'll have to brush up on their foliage pro. Looks like some good stuff.
  11. Dr. Dakota

    Blooming fertilizers with high Nitrogen?

    Sup gardeners, I've from a few different people that contrary to belief, a decent amount of Nitrogen is pretty ideal for healthy, happy buds during fowering. Would anyone like to share some insight? My plants are yellowing at a faster rate than they should since they've started flowing...
  12. Dr. Dakota

    Organic - Leaves are yellowing, is this normal?

    Anyone know a good blooming fert. with a decent amount of N?
  13. Dr. Dakota

    Organic - Leaves are yellowing, is this normal?

    Thanks BSD but I do believe most organic mediums balance pH on their own. And Sun i'm not sure if you're implying that I have used any nutrients, because as of now I have not. And yeah it has been pretty dry, but I'm happy with it. I do believe that the aquifers for the tap water are located...
  14. Dr. Dakota

    Organic - Leaves are yellowing, is this normal?

    I don't have a soil tester, but I do have a water test kit. The water I'm using (Garden hose) has a very high pH of 8.5.Although I tested my soil runoff and its a nice 6.5 - 6.8. I also expirimented by watering with water that had a pH of 6.5, to find my runoff still had the sam pH.
  15. Dr. Dakota

    Organic - Leaves are yellowing, is this normal?

    Good shit that's what I like to hear. I was going to ask if I should use a fertilizer with high nitrogen or not. Thanks.
  16. Dr. Dakota

    Organic - Leaves are yellowing, is this normal?

    Thanks for the recommendation. I was debating whether or not to transfer them into 30 gals, so if I do decide to put em in bigger pots ill definately give that a try. I just don't know if it's a bad idea to transfer during the first week of flowering. And thank you, appreciate it.
  17. Dr. Dakota

    Organic - Leaves are yellowing, is this normal?

    Hey gardeners, this is my first post on rollitup but I've been browsing the site continuously through the years. First of all, I have a lot of different questions but I'm assuming that's frowned upon so i'll stick with one. This is my second grow but my first outdoor grow; but for a new...