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  1. N

    People who re-veg

    I recently asked a question about this and heard it was fine if I took clones from plants flowering for bout a week. I was told this would work fine, just take longer to root.
  2. N

    clones from flowering plants?

    I took clones from my plant that had been flowering for almost a week. Is this going to work or will the not veg. correctly?
  3. N

    clones from flowering plants?

    I took clone from my plants that were flowering for almost a week. Will this work?
  4. N

    Overfed in 6th week of flower

    My dumbass can't multiply and i doubled up on the amount of bloom I gave them in the 6th week of flowering is this gonna be a significant problem? Any Help?
  5. N

    Can i take a clipping off of a flowering plant and turn it into a mother?

    Is it possible if a plant is already flowering to take a piece off and turn it to a mother?