Search results

  1. D

    Smoker's Blight

    It infects plants and can give their leaves a discoloured and mottled effect. I'm not sure of the damage this does to the plant, perhaps it stunts growth or even kills leaves, but it isn't present in all tobacco plants. They do however suffer from it more than most plants for one reason or...
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    Common Growing mistakes made by the new marijuana grower

    I think they are pretty much the same, though what is contained will depend on whether or not the fertilizer is organic or not. Organic fertilizers often include peat and mineral extracts, basically decomposed plants and other organic materials, whereas inorganic fertilizers contain carefully...
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    Beginner system < $350?

    I'm no expert, but it looks as though you're pretty much set there. Would you be looking at using soil or the growing medium supplied? You might just want to check its suitability though you'll probably be fine. All in though, you've got your light, got your seed tray, got your nutrients...
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    New Plant Food

    Depends whether or not you have acid rain I suppose. When it stops raining, check the pH in your soil again. If the rain is mildly acidic it might just have done you a favour and balanced things out. If not, add a little pH+ or your preferred method of making soil more acidic. Go easy though...
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    US States to avoid...

    Which US states are the least harsh on possession of marijuana? I've read a few threads here and seen news reports of certain states cracking down hard, even on those carrying very little. What constitutes more than enough for personal use? In the UK, the laws have been relaxed to the extent...
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    Is it safe?...

    Great resource potroast, I think that URL should be stickied somewhere around here. You're always in danger of getting ripped off, so it's all about doing your homework and checking the background on who you're dealing with. In the past I've done alright, though thats dealing with some of the...
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    Going to Amsterdam

    It's not worth the risk, particularly if you get picked up at customs. I'll leave it to their imagination, but if they find soft drugs in your luggage, where are they going to search for harder stuff? Hint - not in your suitcase. In general you'd probably be ok, I'm yet to come across the use of...
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    Interesting eBay link for Marijuana Growers Bible eBook

    Might be worth one of the more seasoned growers here picking up a copy and having a read. A lot of eBooks are actually fairly useless, giving out vague information and getting things wrong. I could be wrong though, perhaps it is the perfect starters guide - I think they'd get a better deal...
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    Co2 Boost?

    I've not tried it personally but I've read about systems like the one you refer to and they've got reasonable reviews. Not quite the revolution in indoor growing you might hope for but they certainly do speed things up a little. Fairly costly though, but it seems to be a much safer option...
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    New Design

    I've not got a skin option in my profile - is it available still or have I missed something? Perhaps the default is forced in the phpBB config, or perhaps I'm just missing the obvious :eyesmoke:
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    Back-yard dirt

    You're probably blessed with some reasonably good soil then, Parlabane. The kind of crap we see around here you'd be lucky to get anything growing in it never mind an impressive crop fit for a king ;-) Too much clay around here under the topsoil, a lot of plants dislike it (and not just...
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    I thought you got arrested there for *not* being in possession :blsmoke: Thanks for the heads up wrongshop, be sure to give it a roll should my European travels ever take me in that direction.
  13. D

    Is it possible to make fertz' with things around the house?

    There are loads of alternatives, though some so-called "homemade" recipes need you to have ammonia knocking around which might not be in everyones garden sheds ;-) A basic recipe would be to shred fallen leaves (oak for example), soak them in boiling water and use as fertilizer. You can...
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    New Design

    The current ones alright though I think it would look great with a new skin. Always helps encourage passers-by to stick around and join in if they see something that looks worth their while. Might be good to maybe introduce a few portal features, put up a few guides or beginners FAQs or...
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    Detailed Step-By-Step Growing Guide

    Yeah that'd be great, I know theres many ways and means of growing and we've all got our preferences, but something fairly standard for the newbies forum would probably go down really well.
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    Marijuana legalised in the UK for medical use

    The Governments stance has been softening for a while now - seldom will you see those caught in possession get anything more than a slapped wrist. Fact of the matter is that marijuana is less damaging than say tobacco or alcohol. Those have been freely available for years, and account for a...
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    Another Sweet Newbie Question

    Great tip, potroast, seems to me like you should have your own book out on the subject already ;) Would it be a better idea to start afresh after a crop if possible instead?
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    How do you adjust Ph?

    There isn't that much more to it really, though as rollitup said, you'll get a fairly consistant pH level from your tap water. Have you also checked the pH of the soil itself? I've read various sources which suggest somewhere around 6.7-6.2 is best to maintain a good balance of nutrients...
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    Great soil

    Do you have any idea how far they are willing to ship the stuff? I'm interested in trying out a few varieties to see which yields the best results, though I've got a feeling having this stuff delivered might cost more than the soil itself! Cheers for the link though, looks like these guys...