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  1. Chronic 666


    Yeah but it has to be well rooted and healthy. But remember, every time you clone a clone, the genetics get slightly weaker.
  2. Chronic 666

    Cannabis Oil with Powdery Mildew?

    Can anybody help me out here?
  3. Chronic 666

    Cannabis Oil with Powdery Mildew?

    Hey guys, I have a quick question. Is it safe to make Rick Simpson Oil with buds infected by powdery mildew? The recipe calls for dipping the buds in 99% isopropyl alcohol and then heating the resulting fluid so that the solvent (alcohol) burns away, leaving only the pure cannabis resin...
  4. Chronic 666

    should i flower now ?

    Lol "take it easy" That was pretty random. Anyways, I think you should veg for a little longer to increase yields, especially if you're expecting a few ounces per plant.
  5. Chronic 666

    Please help with outdoor stealth plant?

    Thanks, I tied da girl down!
  6. Chronic 666

    Help with Sexing my plants

    Hey guys, I'm growing 2 outdoor plants this year. But I'm having trouble sexing the outdoor ones, although they look like males to me. One is bushy and the other is taller. Can somebody help identify them? Pics below. All help is appreciated. This one is bush: & Here is the taller...