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  1. UnknownGrowerr

    After the Season NOW What!!

    I try to limit myself, especially after a big harvest and drying and curing You feel like its OK to smoke 1/2 ounce a day, because all your hard work
  2. UnknownGrowerr

    Week 7 Trichome Shots

    Do you no what strain that is or is it bag seed? I would like to try that strain next year
  3. UnknownGrowerr

    Week 7 Trichome Shots

    Dude very nice, Those girls are extra frosty. You have some time yet tho IMO 1-2 weeks. I'm at the same point. Oh damn after that new pic i would say less then 1 week
  4. UnknownGrowerr

    do helicopters really fly over and...

    LOL there are drones around, In Deer Trail Colorado there are voting on issuing license to shoot drones down like shooting ducks plus a bounty. I myself living where hunting and farming game is a big part of life thinks this is funny as hell. the proof...
  5. UnknownGrowerr

    Bud rot and cold rain

    If your plants are staying wet and the temps are staying 60-70, And you have no way to pull them indoors and get fans on them IMO I would harvest.
  6. UnknownGrowerr

    i really dont know when to Harvest .....

    Yes you need a loupe, On Ebay the are very inexpensive try to get 1 with a built in light and your looking for x30-x60 power
  7. UnknownGrowerr

    when should i harvest?

    Trichome examples, Get a x30-x60 loupe
  8. UnknownGrowerr

    i really dont know when to Harvest .....

    Well the only way I know to see if the plant is ready to harvest is using a jewelers loupe x30-x60. Ill attach a chart of examples. I hope the info helps
  9. UnknownGrowerr

    Gusty winds Knocked down Branches!!!

    Ya growing sativa outdoors is a challenge when it come to I think everything.
  10. UnknownGrowerr

    Outdoor Grow First Time - Help Plz

    Get yourself a x30 - x60 jewelers loupe with light built in, they are very inexpensive. Every one who enjoys growing this plant should have 1 in there arsenal. I think people say microscope but they are meaning loupe.
  11. UnknownGrowerr

    First time growing outdoors.What do you think?

    Im growing Northern Lights also and I live a cool climate, Ive had hard frost 5 time already 4 days of straight rain. I went out to shake her good to gets some rain off her and saw a patch of gray mold, I cut the cola off and dragged her in into the garage and put 4 fans on her.
  12. UnknownGrowerr

    Packing weight??

    Ya true sativa take forever to finish. Once you see flowers starting to form figure 120 plus days.
  13. UnknownGrowerr

    First successful grow, are they ready?

    I agree i would say 3-4week at least, Make sure to check trichomes every day, they never lie if you see a good amount of amber and lots cloudy your good to go.
  14. UnknownGrowerr

    trim before or after drying period??

    I have always trimmed before stating the drying and curing process, But there are many guides out there that say to just hang them and trim before curing them. But to me that's just asking for mold.
  15. UnknownGrowerr

    Looking like 1 more week, what do you think?

    Well I was out grooming and watering her took a few pics. She look like shes about done what do you all think? I might even let her go 2 more weeks, I like a fair amount of amber with the cloudy trichomes
  16. UnknownGrowerr

    Attached pics not showing

    I dont no what going on every I select a post the pics are not showing up, what am I doing wrong????
  17. UnknownGrowerr

    Attached pics not showing

  18. UnknownGrowerr

    protect plants from cold nights

    Ive used a 50 gallon garbage bag in the past and it kept the frost off of the plants just fine, I do the same to my cucumber and tomato plants also.
  19. UnknownGrowerr

    Nothers Light X Skunk update

    Well I have made it thru another night of frost. I have been pulling her in the garage and putting fans on her to keep air moving around her. I'm guessing 1-2 more week before I'm going to harvest her. I've been checking her trichomes out and I'm starting to see some amber and cloudy but there...
  20. UnknownGrowerr

    Bringing plants inside at night

    Must be nice but unfortunately where I live if it rains and the plants are damp or the humidity is high and the temps are in the cooler range 35-45 out grey mold start to form and first spike of temp, I'll go out and check my plant and 85% of the time there will be a cola with gray mold on it...