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    question about cutting/clones

    Thx 4 quick answers:weed:
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    question about cutting/clones

    What kind of lighting should i use for my new cuttings?? and what kind of lightng cycle 24hrs of light?? i took my cuttings 9 days into flowering, how long can i expect it to take to start to grow again
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    I have a question about the blackstrap molasses.... Do you feed them every single time when you water during flowering or is this just a one time thing and how much do you use???
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    10 days into flowering-Females right??

    good stuff :D:D:D First grow!! Had 5 at first but had to cut down 2 :( but i have 3 lucky ladys:weed:
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    1 week into flowering........ 3 ladys :roll:
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    Started flowering 2 days ago
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    I havent sparayed them for a while now....(just for the first 2-3 weeks While running a fan 24/7):roll:
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    1 pic taken today
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    Well after 2 weeks vacation im home to my babys And they are looking ok i guess little bit of nute burn on fan leaves :( And the 2nd from the right is unbelivebly streched:evil: i Tryed fimmin one before i left and that turned out GREAT!! Hoping to get them into flowering after 2 weeks or so
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    New pics...stems seem to be thickening up well now:mrgreen:
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    i thought we had covered that already...... by keeping a fan blowing you wont get sun spots!!! like i said i have never had a sunspot problem
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    Brand new pics........ the 3 leafer
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    4 of the plants seem to have always 2 leaves growing opposite to eachother but the smallest one always has 3 leaves growing at the same time What causes the smallest one to have the one advantige leave over the others
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    i am currently running 1 repti-glo 8.0 and one cool white fluros and 2X normal 100w growing bulbs planing on adding 3 more fluros and 1 reptiglo more (it aint easy getting hold of some expert growing lights where im c:|ming from)
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    THX..THX...THX!! can Anyone tell me how to keep them babys from strechin??
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    Thx For all the tips(keep e´m komin) I do have a fan blowing inside the growing room 24/7....but just enough to rattle the plants a little but not Blowing straight on my babys, ive never had any problem with sun spots:mrgreen: Started feeding C02 today!! i will try to keep updating pics as...
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    First Grow-Looking good?? Pics!!

    I am a first time grower 5 plants 2 1/2 weeks into veggie,got my seeds from bought weed,just started adding fertilizer to water(started with very low dose) Does everyting look good?? first pics taken over the first 2 weeks! More recent pics!! 1 Pic taken today!!