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  1. O

    1000w bulb on 600W ballest?

    I hooked it up but the ballast didn't seem to work. fucking freebies- never can trust them! The ballast is 600W hydro farm lumitrek, dose anyone have any ideas about what could be wrong with it, or had problem before? there is no on switch so im guessing when I plug it in it should come on but...
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    1000w bulb on 600W ballest?

    Can I run a 1000W bulb on a 600W ballest? I picked up a few free-bee items and was wondering if i could just hook that up instead of buying a $100 600W bulb. I now not to exspect the 1000W power but just want to make sure this wont burn out the ballest or start a fire. thanks for the feed...
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    Runing 2 430 hps bulbs on 1 1000 ballast

    can i use a 1000w bulb on a 600w ballest? any concern for fire hazard? i figured all the watts of the ballest would be used up
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    experianced grower need so help

    are the hairs turning color as well?
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    Help!!!! Not sure what is wrong

    how hot is it getting? how much/often are you fertalizing? if your water has too much feralizer in it the plant will only be take in a small amount of water no mater how wet the soil is. flush some distilled water threw it and see if she dosen't pick up in a day or two