Search results

  1. Gentleman Farmer

    blender hash attempt

    If you let the water/sludge mixture evaporate, you may find what you're looking for. Put the filter somewhere warm and dry - in the sun, on top of the furnace, etc. Once the liquid evaporates, scrape off what's on the the filter.
  2. Gentleman Farmer

    Week old plants w/ thin stems

    Add more dirt. If the leaves lay on the ground they'll rot...
  3. Gentleman Farmer

    East Coast Flowers?

    Grazi. I'll keep vegetatin, I reckon.
  4. Gentleman Farmer

    East Coast Flowers?

    I'm on the east coast growing outdoors. It's late July, I'm looking hard for flowers/preflowers with a lupe and seeing, I don't know what. Is it too early?