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  1. Bonafide925

    There's a storm coming!

    oh just a rainstorm coming through
  2. Bonafide925

    There's a storm coming!

    Thanx good looking out
  3. Bonafide925

    There's a storm coming!

    So there is a storm coming through. My plant is about ready to harvest. Should i harvest or let it go through the storm? I don't want to pick it yet. And I don't want to bring it inside. Should i harvest it or let it go through the storm? If i let it go through the storm will it survive? :-?
  4. Bonafide925

    My first grow! ! ! PICS!!!!

    I have had this seedling for about 2 weeks or even 3. Is there something wrong with it? why are the leaves yellowing? :-?
  5. Bonafide925

    Eggshells Anyone?!

    So i ask this girl that sits in front of me, what is a good fertilizer. She says eggshells. she says you crush them all up then mix it with the soil. Is this any good for the plants?:roll:
  6. Bonafide925

    Molasis qeustion

    yes it will work fine! it helps produce trichome production
  7. Bonafide925

    Praying Mantis to Watch My Crops What about grasshoppers? They ate the crap outta a couple leaves then i was like:finger::sad:
  8. Bonafide925

    Praying Mantis to Watch My Crops What about grasshoppers? They ate the crap outta a couple leaves then i was like:finger::sad:
  9. Bonafide925

    OMG! A grasshopper!

    I started from the bottom and looked up. Then, i see a grasshopper just sittin on one of the leaves. It scared the crap outta me. Then i went to check it out later then i see some of the leaves have been partially eaten. I also see a dropping. I have a feeling they eat other smaller pests such...
  10. Bonafide925

    What is a good bloom?

    has anyone ever use Liquinox? It's a cheap one. 0-10-10
  11. Bonafide925

    What is a good bloom?

    what is a good bloom booster that will make buds bigger?
  12. Bonafide925

    Where can i get those 2 sided CFL's

    ? those hanging from a cord and has 2 cfl bulbs coming from one cord source?
  13. Bonafide925

    What happens when you smoke moldy weed?

    how does ammonia smell like?
  14. Bonafide925

    help!!! cola has amber trichs do i leave it or cut

    you should post some PiCS!!!
  15. Bonafide925

    What happens when you smoke moldy weed?

    so how could you tell if weed is moldy or not?
  16. Bonafide925

    my first plant <Look> Post your first plant

    so is it sativa? looks like
  17. Bonafide925

    What happens when you smoke moldy weed?

    oh i heard from a grow vid. that moldy weed is unsmokable... soo iono
  18. Bonafide925

    What happens when you smoke moldy weed?

    I was just wondering what happens if you smoke moldy weed, if i ever came across some.
  19. Bonafide925

    Would you recommend this strain?

    post some pics of them.